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Naomi-the Show

You want your ass fucked, don't you? The womans voice was strong, her question was punctuated by a hard slap on the naked ass of the second woman who was bent over a table. Her pale skin immediately reddened with the blow. Answer me you worthless little whore. She slapped the womans ass a second time. Yes, yes I want my ass fucked. The woman weeped, the sting of the second swat bringing tears to her eyes. Horace, bring me the cream. The woman rubbed the reddened ass cheeks of her captive. She then raised her hand and spanked her other...


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David’s humiliation

David was getting more and more uncomfortable the longer he waited. He had done everything that Cady had asked for, now all he could do was wait for her to arrive. David had arranged everything with her and followed her instructions to the letter. He had even mailed her a key to his condo. She had told him when to be ready and what to do, but not when she would be there. David had been waiting for more than an hour. It was David’s first time using the various items he had been instructed to buy. He was kneeling in...


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Hitch-hiking and getting a wild ride

Chap 1 I was 16 years old and had only been driving for about 6 months. I had an old truck given to me. It was not much but it was mine. It had a lot of minor problems, one in particular led to this story: The fuel gauge did not work. Since I had just started driving I was not very good at estimating gas usage and how much I had left in the tank. It was mid-July and I was on my way home from work. I worked for a local farmer and we had been putting up hay...


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The Pet - part 4 - a surprise new addition

“I have a question,” Jess said as they sipped their coffees and sat and chatted about nothing in particular. “How exactly are we going to fuck him with all those pegs and pins attached to his prick?” The sight of Kim spread-eagled on the floor, twenty clothes pegs and forty hat pins stuck on and through his perineum, balls and foreskin, had turned the sixteen year old on more than she had thought it would. If the truth be told, she was slightly jealous of Kim. She secretly wished that she could be the pet to the three older women who...


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The bitch on the beach.

Waking in the morning, after a hard week at work, her recent split with her partner still heavy in her mind, Sara looked at the empty space beside her, stretching her naked body, and slowly climbing out of bed, she gazed out the window at the beautiful sunshine, so lonely ,so horny and so sad , Making her way through the empty house, she pondered her absent lover, wishing she could have one more chance to win her back, wishing she wasn't so submissive, but i can't help myself said to herself. The day was so nice, it was all the...


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Porsha Diaries Part 1

I used to keep a diary , and still do in actual fact . It was when I was up in the attic very recently I found all my old ones , the earlier ones being rather boring but as I got older I clearly from my entries started to get more interested in my body and thinking about sex. I would like to write a series of short but hopefully quite detailed events that have happened to me over the last few years . I have had a very privileged up bringing . My parents were very rich and we...


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3 Evil Sisters 10

Author's note: I do not own series. The series was originally created by another author name somestory. Want somestory disappeared it was picked up by another author and then another author. I've been a fan of the series for a while and like other fans I would like to see it completed. I don't know why but for everyone who picks a story that they never seem to complete it. I plan to do just that. I will get the story the ending that it deserves and make you all proud. I will continue with the third author left off. If...


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Branded and used ( blue collar)

Branded and used (blue collars) Blue collars were given special lessons in the camps. Lessons to fight her master to be. Blue collars needed a lot of mental strength. She had been with her master a good couple of years, she had many a broken bones and scars of so many whip marks, but the thing that kept her going was the fact she didn’t want to be a shell, she would fight till she died. She started the day carrying out her chores. It was the masters boys 14th birthday. He was having a few mates round. She was to...


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Cole Chronicles: Chapter 1- Hunted

My fingers shake as I press the doorbell, listening for the faint ring behind the closed door. I'm not sure why this part always made me jittery. This stoop isn't new to me, this house isn't new to me, but the anticipation of what's about to happen is what lights my nerves on fire. In any other place, the quiet breeze playing across my pale skin and the soft moonlight would instantly calm me, but here it seems less romantic and more eerie than anything. Thinking I see the faint flutter of a curtain from the corner of my eye, my...


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Train Ride_(2)

In 1947 a train ride from New York to L.A. took 4 days. Millie planned on using the time enjoying the scenery and the new mystery novel she’d purchased in the train station before leaving. Millie loved the surprises of a good mystery. On the first night she was ready to settle down with a martini and chapter one of ‘The Man who came from Nowhere’ when she realized she’d left her glasses in her cabin. As Millie walked from the bar car back to her cabin she could swear she felt a presence following her, but each time she looked...


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