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Group Sex

Incest Roulette_(1)

This story is a repost of the original story I posted on 2013-06-20. It is edited to conform to the age rules. Incest Roulette We all grew up in a small rural town, which is fun in the summer, but boring as hell in the winter. All summer we’d be working and playing outside, but in the long and dark winters there was next to nothing for us to do. Our parents never bothered to check up on us when we were in the barn, so we could do whatever we wanted. So we fucked. A lot. William had first come...


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23 and Me

This story is primarily about spanking and is TOTALLY a fantasy. If you are dumb enough to actually try this at home, you will discover that your breaking point is well below Joan-e’s 460+. But if you are smart enough to read this as a fantasy– and accept it as such– you will enjoy it. And whether you enjoy giving or receiving OTK hand spankings, reading this story will give you a nice, warm, internal glow as you think about Joan-e’s glowing red ass. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =...


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Pussy Duty

Author's note: I do not promote, nor condone, any sexual act or acts done to anyone underage, consensual or otherwise. Also, always use protection during any sexual intercourse. --------- "So, here's the key, here's the instructions I've typed up for you, and over there is the cat food. Any questions?" Mike grabbed the key and instructions, took note of where the food was placed, and said "You'll be back next Saturday, right?" Steve responded with "Yep. I'll pay you when we get back, okay?" "Sure, no problem." Just as Mike spoke, Steve's daughters came bouncing down the stairs in all their...


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The Pact Chapter 2

The Pact Chapter 2 Jack groaned, rolling over as he pressed the snooze button, silencing the alarm that had jarred him from his sleep. Opening his eyes, it took him a few minutes to process the time on the clock, 8:00. “Shit.” Launching out of bed he quickly put on some clean clothes, grabbed a piece of gum, pens and paper, rushing to get out the door. “I’m going to be late, on the day for finals!” Not even bothering himself with the elevator, he launched himself at the stairs, flying down to the ground floor before ramming himself through the...


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I wanted Beth

Beth My wife and I became acquainted with Beth at a local game room, where a person can sit down, spend fifty dollars, and come out with five dollars worth of merchandise. It's a nice, clean facility, with a minimum age limit of twenty one, which limits noise, and undesirable language, from the younger set. Granted, many sexual remarks are made, as well as good-natured insults, but very little is said that would offend anybody, to the point of hurt feelings. Beth was not especially attractive, very plain, in fact, but there was something about the small woman, which just exuded...


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After the party_(5)

After the party By Samantha G. Lynn and I were on our way down to the ground floor to go for lunch at our favorite near-by spot. The elevator stopped at the fifth floor and a total corporate asshole got on. You know the kind; he wore only suits that were tailor-made and started at three grand. The kind that wouldn’t acknowledge your existence unless he heard the word,’ Sir” at the end of every sentence. His label was, The Assistant to the Assistant to the C0-Ceo, of Marketing. Yep, he was the ’brother-in-law’ to a big suit. Twenty-one, freshly married...


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The 2300 Gathering (4)

**DISCLAIMER: All characters, settings, and storyline are a work of pure fiction and fantasy. This is the sequel to “2300 Gathering Part II” published in August 2020. Please feel free to go back and enjoy the series in order: -The 2300 Gathering (1) -2300 Gathering Part II -The 2300 Gathering (3) and (4) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHAPTER 7: Stewardess and Copilot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Edwards family and I are just over an hour into the flight to Dubai at this point. The mile-high 2300 Gathering is in full action with most of Gwen’s family in the lounge area enjoying the orgy. After I finished...


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Not So Ordinary Life ch. 5

A/N: As the title suggests this is ch. 5. If you didn't read Chp. 4 go to the submission date pg and scroll down, if all goes according to plan it should be right under this one. She was pressed against the shower door, the hot water pounding on bare skin, her breasts crushed against the pleasingly cold glass. Her hair was cascading down her left shoulder, revealing the crook of her neck to him. His lips placed tender kisses along her collarbone, occasionally stopping to lightly nibble and suck on her smooth skin. His hands holding her petite hips in...


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How I became a Fuck Toy

This story is a combination of actuall events from my sexlife and my fantasies, hope you like it x --------------------- I have been secretly seeing Dave for a few months, he is one of my dads friends and is almost 30 years older than me and married. We met at my dads birthday party and I could tell he fancied me, lets face it what 47 year old man wouldnt fancy an 18 year old blonde with my figure. Im not sure if my dad realised but a lot of his work mates were eyeing me up at that party, my...


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Daddy's Slut Girl_(1)

An old story wriiten by Norma Egan I wanted to share. It starts off with incest but later on the themes change. DADDY'S SLUT GIRL by Norma Egan FOREWORD The runaway girl -- a label for thousands of girls in a hundred cities who have left home for one reason -- unhappiness. They may be motherless, friendless, or lonely; they may be the daughters of the rich, the poor, the middle class; yet, their common bond is a search for tomorrow's joy and the end to today's misery. The question herein is not the reasons why they left, but where they...


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