Do you really know your wife?

Do you really know your wife?

My husband Richard is not a writer, and so I decided to write this episode in our life from his point of view. I was the lady involved of course, but the feelings I express on his behalf are what I knew he felt at the time, with the spoken words from each participant being exactly as they were spoken at the time. The names, apart from mine of course, have all been changed to protect the privacy of the men involved. This particular situation happened soon after our marriage, when sexual relations with him were perfect, and before Richard’s car accident that rendered him impotent. Yes guys, do you ever really know your own wife? A question that most husbands may not think is necessary but, believe me, it definitely is! It had taken me a good year to persuade my lovely wife Tania to pose for me for nude photos, with her seemingly being both shy and prudish - both traits enough to wipe out any possibility of me getting my way in the photographic stakes. I can’t remember why she eventually changed her mind, or whether she just got fed up of me asking her, but trips to the country soon followed our sessions at home and although she always appeared very reluctant before leaving home, she relaxed enough to strip off when in what appeared to be a secluded and private spot way out in the country away from the madding crowds. We were always aware that farmers might stumble across us and so a loose dress that could be easily removed and equally as easily replaced at speed, with obviously no underwear at all, was absolutely necessary to spare her blushes. That was until that fateful day in a small coppice ten miles from home. We were taking photographs and things were progressing well. I was my usual ‘attention to detail’ freak. “Let’s have one with your legs open love?” “I don’t like those!” she would snap, but reluctantly still open her lovely legs to reveal her gorgeous hairy kitty. It was when in such a revealing pose that four men came upon us. “This is private land, what are you doing here?” asked the elderly man of the four, who turned out to be the farmer and his three grown up sons. Now Tania, who modestly covered herself with her hands, was never at a loss for words when confronting me at home, and hated bad manners at any time. She reacted quickly. And with a hand over her kitty and an arm attempting, but failing, to cover bare breasts, she replied sharply. “What does it look like? Stealing your sheep?” she held her arms outstretched to show herself completely full frontal naked to them “does this look like rustling to you?” I had to smile as all four men stared at her nudity and roamed her naked body with their eyes. I was absolutely amazed at her outburst, which was contrary to her previous reluctance to pose nude anyway, and I immediately admired her stance. “Just taking a few nude studies of my wife mate!” I told the farmer nervously “I didn’t realise we were trespassing.” I turned to look at Tania, her arms still spread wide and showing herself off “You better get dressed love.” “You stay as you are young lady!” snapped the old man, looking her up and down from head to foot, or rather from tits to cunt “In that case you might as well carry on, so long as we stay to watch and see that you don’t do anything else apart from taking your pictures?” I looked at my wife, her arms now by her side but still, surprisingly to me by her previous misgivings, not attempting to cover herself any more. “What do you think love?” “I suppose it’s either that or I dress and we go home!” she snapped irately. “Please don’t go!” pleaded the old man “I’m sorry if I was short tempered with you young lady, but you are incredibly beautiful, and it would be a pity to curtail your activities because of my bad manners and rudeness. I appreciate you may be a little reticent at us watching you pose without your clothes, but we have already seen you haven’t we? So why stop because we are here?” Tania stood there in front of them looking stunning with the sun shining on her nudity. She shrugged her shoulders, causing her mature bare breasts to quiver erotically and grinned at me. “OK. I don’t mind.” she smiled “might be nice having an audience, they could suggest poses for me if they wanted?” “That a girl!” quipped the farmer, who instructed his sons to sit comfortably to watch. The four of them either stood or sat around and watched as my naked wife Tania, nervously at the start, began posing again. After a few minutes she started to forget that she had a group of strangers admiring her body, or maybe she was just beginning to enjoy them looking at her. The poses became more daring with her legs opening at times. Whenever a glimpse of her most intimate parts were involved I saw the four men whispering to each other. I was also beginning to enjoy their company and attempted to correct some of her poses manually so they cold see me touching her bare body. “Have you any ideas for a pose?” I suddenly asked, running out of ideas to make the session more appealing to them. “How about leaning against the five barred gate?” suggested Neale. Tania smiled at him and walked to the gate. She leaned awkwardly against it. Neale shook his head. “Your arm on the top rung and a leg on the bottom rung” he told her. She attempted to copy his instruction. “No, not like that!” he snapped. “Go and show the lady Neale,” I told him quietly. He got up and walked over to her as she leaned awkwardly and placed his hands on her bare waist and eased her body round. He then took her hand and placed it on the top rung, whilst placing a hand on her bottom and lifting her right leg into position. He patted her thigh. “Like that!” he said triumphantly and stood back for me to take the shot. “Any other ideas guys?” I asked. It was as if a light had been lit around us. Ideas came forth in abundance as the four men realised that they could move and place my naked wife into any position they required, touching her anywhere they wanted. Tania was also quite obviously enjoying this new tack with poses neither of us had either thought of or even dared, and even having instructions like. “Bend over with your legs open!” instructed Frank “so that he can get a shot between your legs!” which Tania was now obeying without hesitation. MY lovely completely naked wife was loving this tactile instructing by each and every member of the farm quartet. “Let your tits hang like this!” suggested the old man, openly grasping her breasts and moving them into position. Likewise her cunt was touched and the labia manually opened with their fingers for open cunt shots. I had to smile as each man licked his finger after having it on Tania’s very wet labia lips, with Tania making no comment or any attempt to prevent them touching anywhere they wanted. I saw her actually smiling as one of them ‘accidentally’ slipped a finger inside her. “Leave your finger there!” I yelled, snapping away at the result, knowing that such pics would prove enjoyable in cold winter evenings, a finger up my wife’s cunt! lol This lead to them all wanting to pose with her, holding her breasts, stroking her thighs, with Tania becoming more and more aroused as the session continued. Her vagina was gaping open by this time, which made them want more and more pics of it, and my gorgeous wife was loving every second. “Can I fuck her?” Frank suddenly asked. Everything went quiet. No-one spoke. Tania looked anxiously to me and I returned her glance. “You better ask the lady herself?” I suggested nervously, unwilling to commit to an answer. “Can I fuck you Tania?” asked Frank. “You mean for a photograph?” she asked in almost a whisper. “Whatever?” he replied “I don’t mind a photo of us doing it.” All eyes were on Tania once more, awaiting her decision. I honestly didn’t know what she would say. I could see quite clearly how aroused she was by the state of her wet pussy, but whether or not this would translate into her agreeing to have sex with him I knew not. She had certainly surprised me in the way she had fallen into posing so openly with these strangers. I held my breath along with the other four. Tania was again centre stage, with five men holding their breaths, awaiting her reply. After what seemed like an eternity, she looked Frank straight in the eyes and spoke. “Well you have always said you would like to see me with another man love, did you mean it?” “Yes I did mean it.” I replied honestly. “Well I suppose this is as good a time as any then.” she giggled and looked Frank in the eyes. “What position?” she asked with a smile. The relief could almost be touched! She was going to let him fuck her! I smiled at her to let her know I agreed with her decision, as she approached Frank and helped him to undress. “Your socks too!” she giggled, and then pulled him between her legs as she lay on her back on the grass, and guided his already erect penis towards her grateful vaginal opening, wet and glistening in the sunlight. I will never forget watching that very first insertion of another man’s prick inside my wife’s grateful cunt. She gasped as it struck home deep inside her, gave a shudder of delight, and then responded eagerly by thrusting her groin towards him as he pushed his cock into her, fucking her with the athleticism of youth, and her responding with the expertise that only an older woman can teach. “They look great together!” quipped the old man. I nodded and had to agree. I almost forgot that this was a photo session as, along with the other three men I watched in awe as their two naked bodies entwined in a beautiful sexual adventure that neither of them had expected when the day first broke. They fucked so beautifully, oh how they fucked, I was in total admiration of my stunningly naked wife as she allowed this handsome stranger to explore her inner depths with his manhood. “Why don’t you kiss her?” I found myself surprisingly suggesting. The old man smiled at me and raised a confident thumb. Neither of them needed a second bidding as their lips met in an erotic open mouthed kiss as they continued to fuck in perfect unison. Eventually it ended as Frank reached his climax with Tania, sensing the approach of his orgasm, eased his cock out of her and took it in her hands to guide his ejaculation over her breasts, covering each one with the thick white spunk that Frank spurted over her. I must admit I was surprised why she hadn’t allowed him to cum inside her, but as she kissed him a final time before picking up a towel to wipe her breasts. It suddenly became obvious as she gazed at the remaining three men. “Anyone else want a photo in that position?” “You mean fuck you?” asked Neale. “Of course she means fuck her you prat!” yelled his dad “Get your dick inside her before she changes her mind!” You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife as all eyes fell on me. I didn’t notice it at first, but Tania was actually grinning at what he had said. I was lost for words. After refusing to allow me to see her with another man, she was now inviting a second man to taste her naked charms in a sexual encounter. “Is that ok mate? Can I fuck your wife too?“ asked Neale. “I think you better answer the gentleman love!” she smiled. “I’m not sure what to say.” I mumbled almost incoherently. “That’s strange for you!” she snapped “can he or not?” “I would think that was a question for you to answer not me.” “It’s you who has always said you would like to see me with another man, now when a second man wants me you go all shy and timid!” she shook her head in apparent despair at my cowardice, and then looked the young guy straight in the eyes, and beckoned him forward. The young man, without any apparent shame or guilt looked at her from head to toe. A lovely view all round. I so admired her. “Can I fuck you Tania?” Without hesitation my wife replied. “I would be honoured to have you inside me Neale.” Always a lady to the end my beautiful wife, as she helped Neale to undress and become as naked as she was. To my surprise and utter delight she dropped to her knees and took his medium sized erection into her mouth and began to suck and lick it. She stopped abruptly and stared at me, standing watching in awe. “Not taking any photos of us for future viewing then?” she asked sarcastically “I thought you’d jump at the chance to get some really hot pics of me doing this?” I needed no second bidding. This was a dream come true, and I quickly retrieved the camera and started taking shots of her sucking his cock. They then got into a cowgirl position and I watched and clicked as Neale’s prick entered her luscious cunt and they fucked freely and adventurously. I had never witnessed Tania to be so happy in having sex and she took him fully and deeply inside her, fucking wildly, until the inevitable climax as she screamed loudly as her orgasm overwhelmed her. “I‘m sorry Neale, do you want me to make you cum too?” “Can I fuck you again?” he asked timidly. “OK. But don‘t cum inside me love, as I expect Tony and your dad want a go too?” “Too right!” exclaimed the old man “Fucking you will be a dream come true Tania!” Tania ensured the young guy came quickly by bringing her inner cunt muscles into operation, and squeezing his cock as it slid in and out of her. She pulled away as with Frank and allowed Neale to spurt over her breasts again. “Now how do you two want me?” she giggled. She was loving this situation and eager to have the remaining two men inside her. “Why don’t you take them doggy love?” I suggested. “Yes!” cried Tania in agreement “take it in turns to push into me and we can have a threesome. Tania was so bubbly and happy. This was obviously what she wanted and enjoyed, as she bent over, holding on to a tree trunk, as the two men proceeded to stick their cocks up her in turn. Tom was the first to reach an orgasm and he pulled out and shot his load on to the grass whilst his dad continued to fuck my wife. “You can cum inside me if you want!” she turned her head to tell the delighted old man and sure enough, when the time came, he filled her with his juices. WE then all watched as she crouched down and allowed the spunk to ooze from her cunt. “Do NOT take a pic of me doing this!” she snapped at me “Just get the food hamper out and share it with the lads.” The following half hour was an incredible chat and eat session. With Tania remaining naked and being kissed and fondled everywhere as she lay on the grass chatting to the men. Frank was between her parted legs kissing and sucking her cunt and labia lips, as Neale and Tom fondled and sucked her breasts and nipples, one each of course, with the old man kissing her facial lips. It was a final scene that filled my heart with joy, and I was almost reluctant to allow her to get dressed and cover her amazing body. The final farewell as we bid them all goodbye was both moving and genuine. The four men had obviously enjoyed seeing me wife naked and all fucking her with enthusiasm, and they kissed and cuddled her vociferously before she finally got dressed and we bid them goodbye. We drove home silently at first, until Tania was the first to speak. “Well that turned out alright didn’t it?” “It certainly did. You enjoy it?” “It was gorgeous!” she replied happily “can we do it again?” “Wow! Really?” I laughed “with those four?” “Either them, or maybe find some others in a different place.” “Four more?” “More if you want!” she giggled. “You mean if YOU want?” I chuckled. “Do I?” she said throwing her head back and laughing “Well? Did YOU enjoy finally getting what you wanted and seeing me with other men?” “Yes I did, it was great, and even better when I realised that you also loved it!” “What’s not to love, four strapping blokes enjoying me - well three strapping and the old dad.” “I admired you for letting the old guy fuck you after the sons had Tania.” “I thought it only fair love, and to be honest, he was the best and most experienced of them all.” “We can go back again tomorrow if you want.” I suggested. “Let’s try somewhere else first.” she replied “I’d like to try some different men before going back for seconds there.” “Don’t kid yourself we can find them easily, after all this was the first time we have been seen by anyone else.” “Then we will have to make a point of trying to find them instead of trying to avoid them as we have always done!” she snapped “find somewhere where men are working and then start taking pics close by so they see us.” “You are really into this now aren’t you?” I laughed. “Too true! I’ve tasted the apple now and I want more my darling.” “And I shall endeavour to get you more and more then.” “More and more and more?” she asked. “As many as you want my love, what is an obedient husband for?” “To get me fucked by more and more and more men!” she replied “exactly what an obedient wife is for too!” “I love you!” I told her. “I love you too!” she replied, and we drove home happy. The following days Tania couldn’t stop talking about the four farmers and she was constantly looking at the pics I had taken of them fucking her. The weather turned nasty the following week and posing outside proved to be impossible. “I suppose we could take some in the rain?” Tania suggested. “There won’t be many spectators if it’s raining,” I explained. “Yes I suppose so!” she replied, thoroughly miserable. “I could always get a few pals round if you are eager to get fucked again love?” “Not with men we know I am not!” she snapped angrily “it’s strangers or nobody, don’t start getting ideas like that!” she moaned “I would die if anyone I knew got to know about what we did.” I fully appreciated what she said and suggested planning something for when we were on holiday. “There would be lots of opportunities to attract men either on a cruise or on a beach holiday.” I suggested “That topless dress of yours could come in very handy at a dance on board.” “Not to pull blokes it won’t!” she reacted angrily “not with women about at a dance.” “How about finding a secluded beach where there are only men around, and I start taking pics of you like that?” “We’ll see.” “You don’t want to do you?” “Of course I want to, I loved them fucking me, but let’s arrange it at the time love. There’s still time for the weather to change before the winter sets in.” she put a hand on my shoulder “Don’t worry, I WILL get fucked by some more men, I promise - I loved it too much not to do it again - I suppose the point is whether you enjoyed watching me with other men, after all you‘ve been suggesting it for long enough, what was it like actually getting what you wanted, did it come up to expectations?”” “I thought it was absolutely fantastic Tania! YOU were fantastic! The way you took all four of them inside you with such apparent ease was awesome. I am so proud of you my darling! I will admit when I saw Frank’s massive cock I honestly thought it would be too big for you to take, but you did it love, you were amazing, it slid inside you right up to his balls and you took every inch! I knew from that moment that it was going to be incredible.” “I will admit I wondered whether it would all fit inside me when I first saw it.” she laughed “but I must be quite deep inside?” “We’ll have to measure the depth.” “No! That would spoil the fun of finding out!” she cried “let’s find out by you getting me longer and longer cocks, until we fond one that is too long.” “You’re really up for this aren’t you love?” “Yes I am! Now that I know you want me to have other men I want to make the most of it. The End. Unfortunately Richard had his car accident before we had time to sample the repeat delights, and the six month convalescence put all thoughts of repeating the country sessions from our minds. The honour of taking my photographs fell to his best friend Steve, as did the sexual side too - all explained in another story - “My husband shares me with his best friend”. Enjoy and understand, please.

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