WARNING: EVERY WORD ISTRUE IF YOUR LIGHTHEARTED OR CANNOT STAND SEEING /READING ABOUT CHILDREN BEING RAPED THEN STOP READING NOW! DONT READ ANOTHER SENTENCE PARAGRAPH ECT. JUST STOP... FOR THE OTHERS I APOLIGIZE FOR THE GRAMMAR, SPELLING ECT. I HAD TO MAKE IT LONGER SOMEHOW. FOR PROTECTIVE PURPOSES THE NAMES OF PEOPLE TOWNS AND STATE HAS BEEN CHANGED .EVERY WORD IS A MEMORY MORE IMPORTANTLY THEY ARE TRUE. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY CHILD RAPE . THIS IS MY STORY, AND I CHOOSE TO SHARE WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME. MY STORY i was 7 when it first happened. i was innocent, sweet, playful , and happy. i was unaware of the evil in this world; that is until He showed me. my name is Ashley , and this is what ive remebered. i was outside playing in our sandpit when he came over. he sat beside me and played with me for a couple of minutes. we were alking and laughing when he suggested we play a new game. but this game was for big kids and he didnt think i could handle it. of course being young and niave i took the bait. Sialar, was my cousin on my stepfathers side he was 16-19 i didnt know his exact age. only that he was a big kid and i wanted to be a big kid too. Anyway, he said okay and took a hold of my hand. we lived in the country, full of woods and wild animals. but with him i wasnt afraid. he led me into th woods, which i knew i was not aloud to be in. i tried telling him i was forbidden, but he said it was ok . that i wouldnt get into trouble with him there . i rember looking back at the house saying ok, but i cant go to far. Sialar smiled and led me further into the woods. i lost sight of my house and we continued to walk until we came to some thick brush. "Ashley i need you to lay on the ground . dont make a sound and do as i say. i nodded yes and layed down. i asked him what game we were playing and he replied "house. your the mommy and im the daddy andd we are going to love each other.. i dont remeber what happened after he said that but i do remember trying to stop him from taking my clothes off... im not aloud to sialar, i shouldnt do this... "Its alright trust me," he said. he made me lie back on the ground. " now what im going to do next may seem weird and a uncomfortable. but do not make a naise and DO NOT SCREAM. okay? he felt his penis slide up and down my leg and giggled, that feels weird sialar.. i know ash but its ok big kids do this all the time.. you want to be a big kid dont you? ... yes i do,i wan to be a big kid. he slid his penis up to my slit and rubbed it against my opening. i was uncomfortable by this point and wanted to stop.. i remember saying "i dont want to play this game anymore.." "shush its ok." then he started pushing into me. i tried to scream. but his hand was over my mouth " shuit up you little bitch!" i tried to fight and to struggle but all it seemed to do was help him . when that didnt help me i tried to bite. scratch and claw, none of it worked. he ended up cutting off my air supply and i must have past out after that.. then next thing i heard was mom calling or me ans sialar cussing. he helped clean me up and even redressed me... he even took care of getting rid of my virgins blood. i tried to get away but before i could he grabbed my are. " IF YOU EVER SAY ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED HERE TODAY I WILL KILL YOU, YOUR SISTER , YOUR BROTHER, EVEN YOUR MOTHER. UNDERSTAND?" with tears in my eyes i nodded yes, i tried to turn and leave but he tightend his grip. "ALSO WHEN EVER I CALL FOR YOU, NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE DOING YOU COME TO ME, IF YOU DONT THE SAME THING WILL HAPPEN I YOU TELL. ARE WE CLEAR?" yes sialar. mom called again and he let go of me. i took off running , when mom asked what had happened and why i was crying i simply told her i fell.. and so the years of lying started and always the fear of when he would call for me. END OF PART 1 ( THIS IS BY NO MEANS THE END OF MY STORY BUT MEARLY PART 1, I NEED TO TAKE SOME TIME TO GET MY SELF BACK TOGETHER CAUSE THIS REALLY SHOOK ME UP. LIKE I SAID BE FOR THIS ALL REALLY DID HAPPEN AND THIS REALLLY IS MY STORY. NOT COPY WRITTED FROM SOME ONE ELSE. IF THERE WAS ANYTHING I SAID OR WROTE THAT WAS OFFENSIVE THEN I APOLIGIZE NOW, I SIMPLY WROTE THE TRUTH . BY FOR NOW AND UNTIL NEXT TIME) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... THIS STORY WRITTEN AND PUBLISHED BY BLUESKY79