Daddy's Slut Girl_(1)

Daddy's Slut Girl_(1)

An old story wriiten by Norma Egan I wanted to share. It starts off with incest but later on the themes change. DADDY'S SLUT GIRL by Norma Egan FOREWORD The runaway girl -- a label for thousands of girls in a hundred cities who have left home for one reason -- unhappiness. They may be motherless, friendless, or lonely; they may be the daughters of the rich, the poor, the middle class; yet, their common bond is a search for tomorrow's joy and the end to today's misery. The question herein is not the reasons why they left, but where they go. What destiny is in store for the Levi's-clad hippie girl? What's the next stop for the amateur ingenue with stardust in her eyes? The answer for many of these wayward girls is what Cindy Cameron finally finds in DADDY'S SLUT GIRL -- happiness, the kind of happiness usually called shameful by scores of whistle-stop towns. But what she eventually finds is a heaven compared to the hell she leaves behind. DADDY'S SLUT GIRL -- a timely novel of today's girl on the run. The Publisher CHAPTER ONE The teen watched Cindy Cameron leave the car and walk towards her apartment building. He noticed wistfully how her round, compact little butt moved back and forth as she walked in an unconsciously sexy way. Cindy's long, golden blonde hair shimmered, clean and healthy, under the street light. She was a little girl, not much over five feet tall, but she was beautiful, and she had a fantastic body. The teen wished now that he'd had the nerve to try putting the make on her, but it was too late now. Perhaps on their next date. Cindy entered the apartment building and walked slowly up the three flights of stairs to the small apartment she shared with her father. She was smiling, day-dreaming, and in no hurry. She was eighteen, and she'd just had her first real date. Pop didn't know about it, of course. He didn't allow her to go out with boys. But Cindy felt the time had come, and she was glad she'd snuck out for movies and hot dogs. It had been great fun, and something about being alone with a guy at last had strangely excited her. She remembered the mild and rather pleasant odor of young male sweat, the way his body had brushed hers a few times, and she sighed. There was a warmth, a moistness, in her cunt which Cindy had never experienced before. She wished her date had tried to kiss her, to feel her up. She was dying to know about those things. "Pop?" Cindy called as she entered the apartment. "I'm home." She glanced in the little yellowed mirror beside the coat rack. She was pleased at how pretty she looked, with her big blue eyes, upturned nose, and white even teeth. She hoped the guy had found her pretty, too, and that he'd ask her out again. Cindy started as she heard a loud crash, like glass breaking, in the kitchen. Then her father staggered into the living room and stared at her. Oh, God, she thought, he's drunk again. George Cameron, at forty, was no prize. A big beefy red-faced man with thinning, oily brown hair, he neglected his personal appearance and made his low intelligence even dimmer by drinking too much. He had been a factory worker. Now he was out of work. "Where the hell you been?" he growled. "I told you, Pop," Cindy said calmly. "Jenny and I went to the movies." He grinned wolfishly at her, his little bloodshot eyes gleaming. "Oh, no, you didn't," he said, slurring his words a little. "You can't fool me this time. I was lookin' out the window when you come home. I seen that guy." Cindy watched him without a change of expression, wondering how to deal with this problem. She felt she was plenty old enough to date, that it was her right to do so -- but on the other hand, Pop had forbidden it, and he had a terrible temper. "You must have been seeing things again, Pop," she said at last. "I was with Jenny." George Cameron lurched towards his petite pretty daughter. His red-veined face contorted with rage. "I know what I saw," he growled. "I seen you with a guy. You better own up to it, young lady, or you'll be in real trouble." Cindy knew that look. It usually preceded one of his drunken rages. Perhaps it would be better to humor him. "All right, Pop," she said, "you're right. I had a date." He lurched towards her again, breathing booze in her face, his breath hot and moist. Her confession hadn't helped. He was angrier than ever. "I said you was to keep away from guys!" he thundered. "I don't give a shit what you think! My word is law!" Cindy sighed deeply. If only her father were like other fathers, sober and friendly and modern. For the thousandth time, she wished she could leave him and go live with her mother. She didn't know what her mother was like, she'd disappeared so long ago, but anything had to be better than this. "Please, Pop," she said wearily, "I'm tired. I'm going to bed." She started to turn away, but he gripped her arm in one big sweaty paw. It hurt, and Cindy squeaked with pain. "You just hold on!" he shouted. "I want you to tell me what happened with that guy. What'd he do to you?" "Do to me?" Cindy gasped. "What do you mean?" Pop's face took on a look of mean, drunken cunning. "You know damn well what I mean, you little whore," he said. "How far did you go with him? Did he ball you?" Cindy shook off his sweaty grip and looked at him in disgust. "We didn't even kiss," she said. "Nothing happened, Pop. Now, I'm going to bed." "Oh, no you ain't!" he shouted. "Not till I got the truth!" Cindy screamed as her father pushed her roughly towards the couch. He was much bigger than her, much stronger, and she was propelled helplessly across the room, then shoved down on the couch. Pop's big hot paw was suddenly under her skirt, digging roughly between her soft thighs. "Pop!" she cried. "What are you doing?" He didn't reply. Breathing heavily, he clapped his hand onto the crotch of her panties and felt the pussy-juice there, the burning heat. Then he whipped his hand out from under her skirt, as if he'd been bitten. "You got fucked, you slut!" he screamed. "You let that guy into your pants!" Cindy blushed scarlet. Even at the best of times her father's coarse language embarrassed her, but now his crude words were poisoning the sweet and innocent memories of her first date. She hated him. "I did not!" she shouted angrily. "I told you, he didn't even kiss me! Now leave me alone, Pop!" George Cameron swayed drunkenly over his flushed eighteen-year-old daughter. He was still feeling the silky flesh of her thigh in his vivid memory, the incredible heat of her pussy as it radiated through the thin crotch of her panties. He gazed hungrily at the girl. She was beautiful, damned beautiful, just like her mother. She wasn't as tall as Linda, and her hair was golden rather than ash blonde, but otherwise she was the image of her sexy, flirtatious mother. She had the same good tan legs, the tiny waist that swelled out into round feminine hips and ass, the same big round wobbling tits... Oh, Jesus, it'd been so long since he'd fucked a woman! "Get away from me, Pop," Cindy was saying. "I want to go to bed. I'm tired." George didn't move. He was drunk, so drunk that his sense of time and place were way off, and he was confusing Cindy with her mother, who'd walked out on him years ago when Cindy was just a baby. He arid Linda hadn't been mated very long, less than a year when she left, but he'd loved her blindly, slavishly. She was so beautiful, he'd wanted her constantly. He'd wanted to touch her, smell her, fuck her all the time. And then she'd betrayed him, run off, and he began to hate her memory. "Slut!" he hissed. "Dirty, rotten whore!" Cindy was really afraid now. When Pop got like this, drunk and mean, he'd beat her almost senseless with his fists, his belt, whatever he could lay hands on. She'd gotten used to it, of course, and when she saw his rage coming on, she locked herself in her room. But tonight he hadn't given her a chance. "You dirty bitch!" he slobbered. "You'd fuck anything in pants. Why don't you just set up as a whore? You fuck the whole world anyhow. Everybody but me..." "Pop!" Cindy cried. "Pop, wake up! It's me, Cindy. It's not Linda. I'm your daughter. I'm Cindy!" She was used to this, too, those rambling spells when he mistook her for her long-departed mother. He always said such terrible things, but she'd never learned just what it was that her mother had done. George heard her words, and he recognized her as his daughter, but the rage was still there. "I don't care," he said. "You're a slut, too, just like her. You're just like your mother -- don't tell me no different. You sneaked out with that guy, against my wishes, and you let him screw you. You did every dirty thing in the book..." Cindy clapped her hands over her ears, not wanting to hear any more of his insane accusations. Oh, God, why did she have to live with this man? George suddenly reached out and ripped her shirt right down the front, exposing her lacy pink bra. Cindy screamed and gawked at him in disbelief. His eyes were hot, hungry. "He touched you there," George muttered, staring fixedly at his teenage daughter's round swelling tits. "He played with your boobs, didn't he, you whore?" He threw himself half over her, panting. "Let me see them titties," he gasped. "I wanta see 'em." "Pop, for God's sake, stop!" Cindy cried. She clapped her hands over her tits, but George simply seized her flimsy bra and tore it off, then shoved her hands out of the way. Cindy's sweet bare boobs almost made him dizzy with lust. She had bigger than average tits, like her mother, but not so large as to be saggy or outlandish. The ripe, creamy globes were the size of grapefruits, perfectly round and unblemished, topped with rosy pink little nipples. They stood tip firm and swelling even when she reclined. George had never seen his daughter's tits before. He'd stopped helping her with her bath long ago, when she was a little girl, because he thought it wasn't right. Now in his drunkenness he was confused. Sometimes he remembered she was Cindy, his daughter, and that he was scolding her for going out with a guy, but other times he thought of her just as an anonymous slut who had to be punished. Now he gazed ravenously at her perfect young tits, and he felt an aroused tingling sensation in his balls, the twitching and swelling of his cock... "Look at them boobies," he panted. "Shit, they're beautiful. Big an' white an' nice... I gotta touch 'em..." "Ohhhhh, God, Pop, NO!" Cindy whined. His hot sweaty hands began fumbling on the sensitive flesh of her jugs, and she shuddered. She didn't know what to do. It was wrong, sick, for him to be touching her like this, to see her naked breasts, but on the other hand, if she fought, if she angered him, he'd beat her black and blue. He'd never done anything like this before. What was the matter with him? "Oh, Lordy, they're soft," George moaned as he cupped and squeezed his daughter's sweet satiny boobs. "Let me kiss 'em, honey. Let me taste these cute little titties!" Pop's greasy head dipped down over her chest, and Cindy felt his wet lips pressing against her tender wobbling tits. It was repulsive to her, and she moaned and shuddered. His hair was dirty, and he reeked of booze. Yet she was afraid to push him away. Even his slimy kisses on her bare boobs were better than being beaten. George kissed the sweet firm melons hungrily, drooling in his excitement. He hadn't fucked a woman in weeks, not since the black whore who had charged him ten dollars for about thirty seconds of her time. He needed to get laid badly. Cindy wept and protested, but he didn't recognize her voice. He saw only her body, her delicious young sweet body... He planted his spitty mouth on one of her cute pink nipples and began to suck it loudly, with a wet obscene slurping noise. Cindy let her head flop back limply on the couch. She was feeling dizzy and confused. She hated her father, hated the dirty things he was doing to her, yet somehow, in some weird way, she felt herself getting hot and excited. His wet sucking of her tender nipple was sending little jolts of pleasure through her body, right down to her crotch. Her cunt felt very warm and curiously wet. "Ummm," gurgled George. "Ummmm!" He sucked ravenously on her pink nipple, bathing it in his scalding saliva. Eagerly he eased a hand under her taut little ass, feeling the small firm globes of her butt-cheeks. He began to caress her there. Even through her skirt and panties he could feel the heat of her healthy young body. Cindy gazed dizzily at the ceiling. Pop's hot hand teased her little ass, and it felt kind of good, in the same crazy way she liked his slurpy sucking of her tit. She wondered if this was what the older girls called "horny". At school she listened to their gossip, to their excited chatter about their dates, and they were always talking about getting "horny" for some guy. As far as Cindy understood the word, it meant that they wanted the guy to touch them, to ball them. Cindy knew very little about sex, mostly the basic dry mechanics she'd learned in a sex education class in junior high and the dirty words Pop was always using. But the way people talked about it all the time with eager, sniggering excitement made it sound like a lot of fun. Cindy was eager to learn about it, to date guys, but Pop made everything so difficult. And now he was having this crazy fit. Cindy was very confused. George grunted and panted over her swollen tit, his face hot and sweaty against her tender cringing flesh. She felt his hand fumbling around, creeping under her skirt, snaking up the silk of her inner thighs. "Pop, cut it out!" she cried, pushing at his broad hard shoulders. George didn't budge. He didn't even hear her. He was lost in his overpowering lust, his irresistible need for a fuck. He kept mouthing her sweet wobbling jugs, and he slipped his hand under her short skirt for a feel of pussy. Her thighs were so soft. He touched the moist hot crotch of her panties, and his horny excitement mounted. He felt his cock going rock-hard in the confinement of his pants, his balls filling up tightly with their load of jism. He wiggled a finger inside the wet crotch of her panties and felt the fine down of her pussy-fur. Jesus, her cunt was hot, like an oven! George wriggled his thick callused finger between her furry twat-lips and into the slick burning flesh of her slit. He found the tiny hot nub of her clitoris and began to rub it, hoping to arouse her. He had to fuck this woman... "Ohhhh!" Cindy gasped. No one had ever touched her there before. She'd discovered the funny little point of red flesh when she bathed, but she didn't know what it was for. Now as Pop's big rough finger rubbed back and forth over the tiny shaft, Cindy felt searing waves of pleasure melting her whole cunt. Never had she felt anything so delicious. She moaned, and her large blue eyes rolled dizzily. She felt a tidal wave of juice squirting from her cunt... George felt it, too. His palm was suddenly soaked with her hot sticky cunt-cream, and she moaned and writhed lustily beneath him. He grinned. This little broad was getting hot for him. "Yeah, baby, yeah," he crooned huskily. "Felt real nice, didn't it? I'll give ya more." He began sawing his rough finger back and forth over the ultrasensitive bump of her virgin clit. Hot streaks of pleasure flashed through her body, and Cindy moaned loudly. She knew that Pop was doing something wrong, something wicked, but it felt sooo good... More hot juice streamed from her aroused twat, and she helplessly opened her legs wide to let him work. But George was getting impatient. In his macho lower-class world there was no room for foreplay. If you wanted a woman, you just took her. Growling with hot lust, he began to tear off Cindy's skirt. The girl shrieked and clawed at his hands, but he paid no attention. He ripped the flimsy garment off and tossed it away. Then he seized her skimpy pink panties and tugged them violently down. "Pop, No!" Cindy shouted. She hadn't expected his sudden attack, and she found herself quickly naked under his leering red eyes. They both gawked at her lush little adolescent body, at the tiny golden fluff of cunt-fur at the base of her belly. Cindy stared in disbelief, George in delight and hunger. "Lookit that sweet little pussy," he muttered. Spit flecked the corners of his mouth, and he leered down at the adorable little golden beaver. "Gotta get me some of that," he panted, "some of that good hot pussy..." He shoved her roughly over against the back of the couch and lay down beside her. Cindy was terrified now. Though she was a virgin and completely inexperienced, she knew that George wanted to fuck her, that he was very confused. He seemed to have forgotten that she was his daughter. "Pop, please!" Cindy sobbed. "I'm your daughter! You shouldn't be doing this!" George squinted at her, then shook his befogged head. Yes, it was Cindy, his pretty little daughter. She'd done something naughty tonight, he was punishing her... It all came back to him, and he glared at the sobbing girl. "You dirty little cunt!" he shouted. "You went out and fucked a guy, that's what you did! And I'm gonna punish you for that!" "No, Pop, no!" Cindy wept. "I didn't do anything wrong!" "You're a Goddamned whore, just like your mother!" George raved. "So I'm gonna treat you like a whore!" He tore at the fly of his pants, eager to liberate his swollen dick. He was fully aware now that Cindy was his daughter, but it made no difference to him. He was going to fuck her anyhow. It was no more than she deserved... If she wanted to act like a whore, he'd damned well use her like one. His fly open, George seized Cindy's little hand and thrust it down onto his crotch. "Take it out!" he commanded. "Lift out my prick!" Cindy shuddered. This was wrong, horrible. Yet she knew that blind raging look in his eyes, knew that if she disobeyed, he was crazy enough to kill her. Sobbing, she moved her hands inside his open fly. She touched thick bristly hair, then something very hard and hot. George gasped with hot excitement. "Take it," he panted. "Lift out that cock, little girl. Hurry!" Cindy suppressed a wave of nausea. She curled her fingers around the erect rod and lifted it out of his fly. She'd never seen a cock before, and she couldn't help gawking. Pop's long swollen prick seemed enormous to her. It more than filled her hand, and the ugly bulbous purple head protruded from between her fingers. The thick blue-veined cock-shaft sprang from a thick black jungle of crotch hairs, and below that she saw the great wrinkled bags of his nuts. It was all ugly and repulsive to Cindy's young eyes. George, impatient with her silent staring, finished the job himself. He tugged down his pants and kicked them away, then gazed eagerly down at his prick. The girl's tiny hand was curled around his rod, and it was good and hard, straining and throbbing in her reluctant grasp. As he thought of fucking her, a big droplet of cock-cream bubbled from the dark pinpoint of his pisshole. The thick stuff dribbled onto her fingers, and Cindy gasped and jerked her hand away from her father's tool. George slapped her face. "Pick it up!" he snarled. "Don't let go of that cock till I tell you!" Sobbing frantically, Cindy again curled her fingers around her father's big hard ugly cock. It felt rigid and burning to her, and now it was slimy with his juice. She saw the thick blue veins standing out on the wormy-white shaft, the ugly dark and swollen knob and its drooling cum-slit. She wanted to scream and run, but she knew Pop would never let her get away. "Stick it between your legs," he panted. "Get it up your cunt." Cindy went pale and cold with fear. It was going to be the worst thing imaginable -- he really did intend to fuck her, to take her virginity! Her own father! "Oh, Pop, nooo!" she sobbed. "It's not right! I'm your daughter!" "No, you ain't," he spat, "not no more. I don't want no slut for a daughter. If you'd been a good girl... But you turned out to be a whore, just like your mother. That's how I'm gonna treat you, too. From now on, you're my whore." He glared at her for a moment in utter contempt and hatred. Then he shouted, "Hurry up, cunt! Do what I said. Take that meat an' stick it up your hole!" He rolled the sobbing girl onto her back and brutally forced her slim legs wide apart. He saw her gleaming plump virgin slit, the moist pink pussy-flesh and the delicate golden muff. He licked his lips. It was fresh clean pussy, and it was all his. Weeping, Cindy guided the monstrous ugly prick between her legs, into the steamy tissues of her puffy gash. She could do no more. She would not participate in her own incestuous rape and deflowering. George felt the sensitive head of his cock nosing against hot lips of her twat, and he groaned with desire. He didn't need her hand any more. He pushed it away, drew back his hips, and then thrust forward powerfully. "OH, GOD, NOOO!" Cindy wailed. She felt Pop's enormously thick hard cock splitting the tight mouth of her virgin cunt. The ugly rigid tool entered her narrow snatch mercilessly and rammed swiftly up her virgin hole. There was an audible snapping sound as Pop broke through her cherry, and Cindy screeched with pain. The huge prick was stuffing her, ramming right to the end of her cunt. "Awwww, Jesus!" George whined. "So fuckin' tight an' hot... Oh, baby, what a sweet little cunt!" While Cindy sobbed and shook, helplessly impaled on his deeply buried meat, George looked down to admire his work. He was in her twat almost to his balls, and just a half-inch of thick white prick-shaft was showing. It was stretching her pink pussy-lips grotesquely and was stained with her virgin blood. He'd never popped a cherry before. That bitch Linda hadn't been a virgin when he mated her. But he'd gotten his revenge flow with that whore's daughter. He leered cruelly at the sobbing girl. "It hurts, don't it, baby?" he said, laughing harshly. "Well, you're gonna get more of it, a lot more. I'm gonna fuck you crazy, you dirty little bitch. I'm gonna fuck you till you can't walk." His red leering face was insane with hate and lust. Cindy lowered her eyes, not wanting to look at him. He began to fuck her. He sawed his stiff meat slowly, deeply, in and out of her hole, moaning and panting as he experienced the delicious virginal tightness of her cunt. Slick velvety flesh encased his lusty prick, and every slow long thrust made his balls tingle with pleasure. "Tightest cunt I ever fucked," he panted. "Real tight. Guess I was wrong. Guess you didn't fuck that guy after all. But you woulda done it sooner or later. Just like your mother..." Cindy stared blankly at his wormy-white chest and its straggly black hairs. His fucking didn't hurt her, she was so numb with shock. It just felt strange, foreign, to have that thick hard organ moving back and forth inside her body. So this was fucking, this was what everybody talked about so eagerly. Pop's wiry crotch bush ground harshly against the soft fur of her beaver, and the rigid hot shaft of his erect cock rode her little clit. He sawed back and forth on the tiny nub, and Cindy felt sudden fierce pleasure boiling in her belly. It happened so fast, she didn't have time to think. The pleasure mounted swiftly, blinding her, rocking her young body, making her moan and squeal helplessly. Something fantastic was happening to her, an explosion of joy that radiated from her clit and cunt to engulf all of her. She began to scream in the unsuspected joy of her first orgasm, and her scalding cunt-cream boiled around Pop's sawing prick. "Yeah, come, little girl!" he bellowed. "You love it, don't ya? You love that good hard meat in your cunt, don't ya, ya filthy dirty WHORE!" He would have taunted her more, screamed his hatred, but his jism was steaming out into her virgin cunt, and he collapsed on her with a hoarse moan of joy... CHAPTER TWO Cindy heard her father snoring. She must have fainted, for she was only now aware of his heavy sweat-soaked body pinning her clown on the couch. He was deeply asleep, his breath foul with stale alcohol. She felt his withered cock, still deeply lodged in her aching cunt. She wriggled out from under him, not trying to be careful. When Pop drank himself to sleep, nothing could wake him. Cindy looked down at his fat wormy-white body, his slobbering mouth, and the ugly pale worm of his limp prick. She shuddered, and a look of utter loathing twisted her pretty little face. She couldn't stand it any more. She had to get away from him. She made an instant fierce decision to run away and never come back. Cindy hurried to her room and dressed in jeans, a shirt, and sneakers. She took her heavy jacket, the ten dollars she'd saved from babysitting, and one trinket -- a cheap rhinestone-studded heart on a chain which fit snugly around her neck. It had once belonged to her mother. She was going to find her mother. She knew that Linda occasionally sent money for her and that Pop spent it all on booze. She figured he must have Linda's address. She picked up his pants from where he'd tossed them and found his wallet. Rifling through it, she found a worn slip of paper on which her father had scrawled "Mrs. Linda Cameron" and an address in Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles -- that was a long long way from New York, but that's where Cindy was going. She put the sup of paper back in the wallet, not wanting to leave him any clues about where she was going. But she took a five-dollar bill from him. It was only fair, since he'd spent all the money Linda had sent her. Cindy walked out the door of the apartment, leaving her father snoring drunkenly on the couch. She didn't look back. New York City was scary at night. Cindy walked in terror of being mugged -- or worse. Even the tenor of the dark streets was not enough to make her go back to Pop, though. After the sickening thing he'd done to her, raping and deflowering his own daughter, she never wanted to see him again. She would find Linda and live happily, normally, at last. As Cindy walked nervously down the filthy deserted street, she heard a car coming up behind her in the distance. It was coming slow, and it got slower as it approached her. She looked around for an escape route in case there was trouble. Cindy was a true New Yorker, expecting violence from everyone she met. "Hey, you want a ride?" Cindy frowned and turned to look at the car. It was a nothing car, but the guy driving it was very good-looking. He resembled a young Robert Redford, she thought, with long, blond hair, regular features, and an engaging grin. "I'm no mugger," he said, guessing her thoughts. "You can write down my license number if you want. But it's dangerous for a chick to walk alone here at night. I'd be glad to give you a lift." "Okay," Cindy said shyly, deciding to trust him. She got in beside him, and he cruised off down the deserted street. "Where to?" he said. "I want to get out of town," said Cindy. "I'm hitchhiking to California." The young man glanced at her. He saw that she was young and frightened, but grimly determined. "You running away?" he asked casually. "That's none of your business!" Cindy snapped. "Just give me a ride -- or I can get out right now." He smiled, then returned his eyes to the road. "Okay, take it easy," he said soothingly. "I won't ask questions. My name's Ted. You're safe with me. I'll take you to the freeway." "Thanks," she said. "My name's Cindy. But that's all I'm going to tell you." "Right on," said Ted. "That's cool with me, Cindy. Sometimes I feel like running away myself. Anyhow, relax. Turn on the radio if you want. There's beer under the seat." Cindy had never tasted alcohol before, but she decided to try it. She felt she had to grow up instantly, take care of herself, and handle all the things adults did. She opened a beer for herself and one for Ted. They chatted lightly during the long ride to the outskirts of New York. Cindy could see the lights of the freeway, the steady stream of cars, when Ted suddenly pulled off into a side street. The houses there were all dark, the street empty. She felt a little drunk and silly, not very alarmed. "How come we're stopping here?" she asked. The beer made her burp, and she giggled. Ted looked at her with concern. "You sure you wanta do this?" he asked. "Hitch all the way to L.A.? It's really dangerous, Cindy. I could still take you home." "No!" Cindy said fervently. "I'll never go back there." "It's that bad, huh?" Ted said sympathetically. "Well, okay, it's your decision. But kiss me good-bye, will you?" He leaned close to her and said gently, "Just kiss me." Cindy saw no danger in it. He was a nice guy, and she liked him. He was so attractive, too. She smiled and tilted her pert face up, and Ted kissed her. It was her very first kiss, and she found it not only pleasant but vaguely exciting. His mouth was smooth and dry, not wet and slobbery like Pop's, and he smelled good. Ted slipped his arm around her and drew her snug against him as he kissed her. He'd been attracted by this cute little blonde since the moment he saw her on the street, but he'd played it cool. He didn't want to get slapped with a rape charge. If he could get her hot, fine. If not, he had his own girl back in Queens, who was willing to put out. He'd like a little variety, though. He moved his arm around her till he rested his fingers on the swelling of her tit, just under her arm. He used his tongue to tease her lips open, very gently and sensuously. Cindy sighed and opened up, and Ted slipped his tongue into her mouth, tickling her little tongue teasingly. She was still for a moment, and then her tongue began to play shyly, clumsily, on his. He was so handsome, Cindy thought dizzily, so cool. She'd become pretty infatuated with Ted during the long ride. She also felt very excited. Her cunt was hot and yearning, and she felt she wanted this good-looking guy to kiss her more, to touch her. Completely innocent, she didn't understand that the burning impatience in her pussy meant that she wanted to be fucked. She did not understand her ripening body's signals. His tonguing in her hot little mouth made her even more excited, and she imitated the technique, wriggling her tongue mischievously into his mouth. Ted sighed and gripped her more tightly. He slid his hand onto her boob and began squeezing it. Cindy didn't protest. She was eager to learn about real lovemaking -- not the sick, ugly things Pop had done to her, but the normal pleasant things between boy and girl. Ted's other hand snuck tinder her shirt and worked hotly upward to her bra. Cindy squirmed with horny excitement. Her crotch was very wet by now with her horny pussy juices. Ted, a veteran of automobile lovemaking, found the catch of her bra and deftly popped it open. Cindy felt the constricting band falling away, and she sighed. Ted pushed his warm eager hands under the loosened bra and cupped her large round tits. Cindy cooed with pleasure. He didn't handle her tits roughly like Pop. He was very gentle, yet sensuous, softly molding and petting the warm creamy flesh. He pushed her shirt far up to uncover her boobs for a better view. "You've got really pretty tits, Cindy," he said admiringly. Cindy didn't know what to say to that, so she kissed him again. He returned the kiss eagerly, digging his hot tongue in her mouth, and at the same time he played feverishly with her naked tits, cupping the big soft grapefruits which nearly overflowed his hands. Cindy thought of how angry Pop would be if he caught her with this guy, her boobs exposed, her panties wet with cunt juice. Then she remembered -- she'd never have to worry about Pop again. She was free, free to do any crazy thing she wanted. "Ohhhh, Ted," she moaned, "you're getting me so excited." Ted responded by leaning heavily on her and easing her down onto her back. They lay together on the car seat, panting and fondling each other. Ted couldn't seem to get over his wonder at the size and sweetness of her pale tits, and Cindy's hands wandered all over his hard young body, feeling the tight muscles through his clothes. Pop, sweaty and fat and evil-smelling, had revolted her, but this handsome clean young man thrilled her. Suddenly Ted was doing just what Pop had done, sucking her cute little pink nipples. Only it wasn't disgusting this time. He didn't slobber on her jugs or embarrass her with his slurpy noises. Ted's lips were smooth and dry, and when he sucked one soft little nipple into his mouth, he sucked it voraciously but quietly, tickling the sensitive tip with his tongue. Cindy felt fierce jolts of pleasure streaking down her body, right from her aroused nipple to the damp shadows of her pussy. "Oooohh, that feels nice!" she cooed. Ted was getting so excited he could hardly control himself. It looked as if this sexy little chick might put out for him, yet he didn't want to spoil it, to scare her off, by moving too fast. He forced himself to stick with his hot nipple-sucking -- it was kinda fun anyhow. The girl sighed and wriggled hornily beside him. He hoped his patience would pay off. Her tender nipple responded quickly to his delicious sucking, growing stiff and erect and bumpy. He jammed his mouth onto the other nipple and repeated the performance, sucking it into taut arousal. Cindy was panting with sensual excitement, running her hands all over him. Once she brushed the hardness of his cock and paused for a moment, as if in surprise. He wondered if she were a virgin, if she'd ever touched a cock before. In fact Cindy was both frightened and curious. She remembered how Pop's huge hard dong had hurt her, yet she was dying to know what Ted's prick looked like, if it was as big and ugly as Pop's. Maybe Ted would show his cock to her pretty soon. In her innocence she never thought of slipping his dick out of his pants and taking a look for herself. Meanwhile Ted's hot wet nipple sucking was making her squirm in horny excitement. Ted had her naked to the waist now, her superb round boobs showing milky-pale in the streetlight, and she seemed to love what he was doing. He decided to try for more. Still kissing her big swelling tits to distract her, he inched his hand down to the fly of her jeans and quickly popped open the button. He tugged at the zipper, drew it down, and thrust his hand into her steamy crotch. "Ooohh!" Cindy cried. She wasn't sure she should let him go so far, hut damnit, it felt nice. He cupped her whole pussy, squeezing and rubbing it, and she could feel the hardness of his hand right through her soaked panties. Her pussy was swollen with readiness, and the least touch of his palm or fingers sent fiery waves of pleasure through her cunt. Pop had once told her very gruffly never to touch her twat. She could see why now -- it felt incredibly good to have her cunt touched, and Pop was always against her having any fun. Ted knew what those wet panties signified. The girl was wildly horny. The moment he touched her soaked crotch, he knew it, and as he squeezed and massaged her plump, fleshy pussy, more cunt cream soaked through to warm his hand. She was a horny little bitch, all right, with an extremely sensitive cunt. He could put that sensitivity to good use. Cindy gasped in alarm and excitement when she felt Ted slipping a finger inside her panties. It was wrong, naughty, yet she waited breathlessly to see what he'd do and how it would feel. She had so much to learn, thanks to Pop who'd prevented her from dating for so long. She felt Ted's finger gliding onto that funny little bump of flesh at the top of her slit, the same place Pop had rubbed her. She remembered how crazily good it had felt -- but not as good as now. Again Ted proved himself a more skillful lover than Pop. He barely touched her tiny red clit, just gently flicked and teased it with the tip of his finger, but Cindy shook violently with the fierce pleasure-spasms that jolted her body. "Oohhh, yes!" she cried. "Yes, Ted, touch me there! That feels fantastic..." Ted swallowed hard. It was difficult to go slowly now, to keep from jumping on her and raping her. She was hot for him all right, but she still might not be willing to screw. He'd had dates like that many times before -- girls who wanted to do damn near everything but fuck; girls who'd let him stick his linger right up their creamy little cunts, but wouldn't let him put his cock there -- he hated them. He wasn't taking any chances with this one. He was going to get her so hot that she couldn't say no when fuck-time came. He seized her hot tiny pleasure-button between his forefinger and thumb, then began to tug and tweak it very gently but steadily. The girl groaned loudly, and a flood of steamy cunt-juice spat out into his palm. "You like that?" he panted. "Love it," Cindy gasped. "Far-out... Ohhhh, yessss!" Her whole body was aflame with hot arousal, yet the innocent girl still didn't realize what it signified, that it was Nature's way of telling her to mate with this guy. She didn't know she had a natural instinct to fuck. She just knew that Ted was driving her crazy with pleasure, the way he was playing with her funny little bump. Her cunt creamed furiously into his hand, and she helplessly humped her slim hips and ground her fat greedy clit against his fingers, seeking more of that delicious friction. She tried spreading her legs to give him more room to work, but that drew her panty crotch taut and actually hindered his clit-fingering movements. "Let me slip your panties off," he whispered hoarsely. "Then I can touch you better." Cindy thought it was a good idea. Certainly she wanted to be touched. "Okay," she said brightly. "Here, I'll do it." Ted watched in amazement as the petite blonde tugged off her jeans and panties and tossed them to the floor of the car. She was practically naked now except for her shirt and bra, which he'd pushed up around her neck. She had a fantastic body, richly curved and ripe for so young a girl. She was a real blonde, too. In the harsh streetlight he could see the small golden fluff of fur on her cunt-mound. He was sure now that he could fuck her. She seemed to have no inhibition, no fears. Well, he was almost sure. He'd had girls strip for him before, beg him to lap their pussies, but get uptight when he tried to fuck them. He'd better wait a little while longer. Ted tried to conceal his hot excitement when nearly naked Cindy snuggled down beside him again. He slid his hand between her silky thighs and once more rubbed the throbbing, soaking wet shaft of her little joy-button. Cindy purred happily and ground her shameless little snatch back and forth on his hand. Fucking hadn't entered her mind, for she didn't know that it was the answer to her hot, horny yearning. She just knew that Ted was doing great things to her, playing with her pussy, and she wanted it to go on and on... Ted tickled and rubbed her tiny clit-shaft till the small organ was as rigid and hot as a cock in erection. Then he slid his hand farther back into the steamy dark region between her thighs, till he encountered the warm, drooling mouth of her little cunt. It was pouring cream, the plump pussy-lips gaping wide in horny welcome, and he had no trouble locating it. He eased a stiff finger into the juicy little hole, and Cindy gasped. "Ooohhh!" she squealed. "Fuck me!" He was sliding his rigid finger very slowly up her cunt-hole, like a miniature cock. It sent searing pleasure through her loins, and she instinctively tightened her strong young cunt-muscles around the invading digit. Her snatch creamed like a faucet, soaking his finger as it slid gradually into her hole. Ted felt the incredible heat and tightness of her young velvety cunt, and he thought about how great it would be to jam his achingly stiff meat in there. "That feel good, Cindy?" he said breathlessly. "Ummm, yeahhh," sighed the innocent girl. "You ever balled before?" Ted asked. He wasn't sure he wanted to screw a virgin. It was supposed to hurt them pretty bad, and he didn't want a screaming, hysterical chick in his car. "Uh, sure," said Cindy haltingly. "A couple of times." She didn't want him to think she was an inexperienced dummy, and she certainly wasn't going to tell him that her own father had popped her cherry only a few hours ago. "You wanta do it with me?" Ted asked nervously. Cindy thought about it for a moment. She didn't want to be what the girls called "cheap" or "easy", and she was also a little afraid of getting pregnant. On the other hand, what difference would it make if she fucked? Thanks to Pop, she had no virginity to guard any more. Besides, Ted didn't even know her last name, and out in California no one would know Ted. She could screw and get away with it -- and she was dying for the experience. She really wanted to know how it felt to fuck. Not a vicious painful rape, like with Pop, but the way it felt with a good-looking guy she was fond of. Cindy was very tempted. It was Ted's busy finger which really decided her. While he waited for her to answer him, he kept sawing his stiff middle finger in and out of her soaking little twat, making her writhe in horny need. It felt so damned good -- perhaps a thick cock would feel even better. "Okay, Ted," she said breathlessly, "I'll try it. But don't be too rough, okay?" "Sure, baby," Ted said delightedly. "We'll do it any way you want." He couldn't help grinning as he quickly shucked his clothes. The suspense and worry were over. He was assured of getting laid. As he pulled off his shorts, his rampant young cock snapped up to point at the roof of the car, stiff and pale and swollen. The knob was dark-red with suffused blood, and the pinprick cum-slit was drooling thick cream. He felt he'd never had such an achingly erect hard-on in his life. Cindy gawked shamelessly at his hard prick. It was only the second cock she'd ever seen, and she was rapidly memorizing its appearance, comparing it to Pop's. Again Ted was the winner. Pop's cock had been so red and wrinkled and ugly, but Ted's cock seemed beautiful to her. His dick shot up stiff and milky-white from clean crisp golden-brown crotch curls, and his balls were fat and smooth and rosy -- unlike Pop's vile-smelling, wrinkled bags. His young prick seemed smooth and pure and handsome to her, the knob a delicious red. Cindy shyly reached out to pet the rigid white rod. It felt like hot silk to her, wonderfully smooth and clean. She petted the tool briefly, making Ted shiver with excitement. His cream bubbled out furiously from the dark hole of his knob, running down his rigid prick-shaft. It wet Cindy's fingers, and she giggled and jerked her hand away. She still didn't like getting that weird sticky stuff on her. Ted was just as glad she didn't go on petting his dick. It was fun, but he was in acute danger of coming, of shooting his jism all over the car. He didn't want to come yet. He eyed the delicious smiling girl as she sank down submissively on the seat of the car. He gently drew her legs apart, and she didn't protest. Panting with horny anticipation, Ted threw himself between her silky legs and began blindly probing with his cock, seeking the entrance to her cunt. Cindy eased her legs a little wider apart, assisting him, but she was too inexperienced to take his cock and guide it to her cunt-mouth. She waited, a little fearful, but still boiling with curiosity. She didn't consider that she'd had a real fuck with Pop. She'd been too stunned and repulsed to notice how getting screwed felt. With Ted she was going to concentrate, learn. She'd know what the other girls knew... Ted moaned hoarsely when his drooling, swollen cock-head at last popped into the wet, recessed mouth of her young cunt. He pushed into her hole very slowly, so as not to slip out again. Her cunt was scalding hot, soaking wet, and fantastically tight. He'd never fucked a cunt so tight before. He whined shrilly. Usually he didn't make noises like that. He kept his cool, acted like a man. But he'd gotten so excited with their foreplay, and she had such a fuckin' terrific cunt, that he couldn't suppress his natural responses. "Awwww, Christ," he whined, "it feels so damn good..." Cindy slipped her arms around him, liking the soft, warm contact of naked flesh, and concentrated on how it felt to have a rigid thick cock entering her pussy. Her almost-virgin cunt felt very full, and at first his prick seemed too hard and sharp. The farther into her snatch his cock went, however, the nicer it felt. Pleasant burning sensations radiated from her stuffed twat as his stiff rod passed over her sensitive little clit, making it tingle and moisten. Ted began to move his cock in her hole, humping her in light, short strokes. He was panting with excitement, his taut young balls flapping against her butt. Cindy found that each quick, hard stroke of his cock sent melting pleasure through her cunt, and soon she was getting into the act, pumping her pussy up and down to meet his jabbing cock. That made it feel even better. Ted's crisp crotch bush ground into the fine soft curls of her beaver, and their bellies smacked loudly together. She'd asked him to be gentle, but in his excitement he got carried away and began fucking her fast and hard and deep. Cindy didn't mind. Her own instincts told her to fuck faster, too, to take his rigid prick as deep into her boiling cunt as she could. The faster and harder they fucked, the hotter the friction, the more dizzying the pleasure. "Ooohhh!" Cindy squealed. "It's great, Ted! I love it! Keep doing it hard like that! Yeah, yeah!" If this was fucking, she definitely liked it. Or at least she liked it with Ted. Pop had made it seem so brutal and disgusting, but Ted only excited her more and more. His stiff adolescent prick dug into her hole deep and hard and fast, making her horny little cunt burn and flood. She felt mounting pleasure, the urge to arch her body sharply under his so that her greedy clit was rubbed hard each time he lunged into her gushing twat. "Ahhhh!" she wailed. "So fuckin' good! AAAGGGHHHH!" Ted felt her coming. There was no mistaking it. Some girls hardly moved or even quickened their breathing, but Cindy pulled out all the stops. Her tight little cunt grew even tighter around his plunging rod, squeezing and gripping his cock like a velvet vise. Her cunt-cream showered out, hot and steamy, all around his buried prick. She screeched and wailed her pleasure, and her delicious little body went into violent spasms. Ted valiantly fucked away, letting her spin out her orgasm before he took his. He moaned hoarsely, and then she felt a flood of hot, wet jism deep in her cock-stuffed cunt... CHAPTER THREE Ted had wanted to fuck her again, but Cindy felt she ought to be on her way. The sun was coming up, and it was just remotely possible that Pop might wake up early, notice her absence, and send the pigs after her. He didn't love her, of course. He'd complained for years that she was a nuisance, a drag on his freedom. But after last night he had a powerful motive for keeping her. "From now on," he'd said, "you're my whore." Cindy imagined how it would be not only to take his beatings and endure his drunken raving, but also to have to fuck him anytime he wanted it -- or be beaten even worse. No way. Nothing could persuade her to return to that life. She was going to find her mother and live decently for a change. California seemed a million miles away, and she was scared and almost broke, but she felt she had no other choice. Ted let her off on the freeway, and Cindy almost panicked when he drove away. She hadn't known him long, but he seemed like the only friend she had. Then she got her courage up again by thinking of Pop and how he'd brutally raped her. Cindy put out her thumb and waited. The early April dawn was foggy and cold, and she hoped she wouldn't have to wait very long. In the distance she saw an enormous truck approaching, one with two huge trailers. Its roaring almost deafened her, and it seemed to strain with its load. She smiled and waved as it approached, and the driver grinned and waved back. The huge truck groaned past her and slowly drew to a stop. Cindy gawked at it for a moment, then ran to catch up. She'd been lucky. She had a ride already. The driver had the passenger door open and was leaning out to grin at her when she got there. He helped her climb up -- it was a very long way. Cindy shivered deliciously in the warmth of the cab. She felt excited about riding in one of these giants of the road -- it would be much more interesting than a car. "I'm not supposed to give rides," the driver said in a raspy voice. "So if any other trucks come by, you duck, okay?" "Sure, mister," said Cindy. "Thanks a lot for picking me up. It was so cold out there." He laughed, a pleasant throaty sound. "Where you bound?" "California," Cindy said dreamily. "Los Angeles. I'm going to see my mother." The driver glanced at her intently, then got the rig back on the freeway. Mike Polanski had been around, seen it all, and he knew a runaway teenager when he saw one. In a way he was a fool to pick her up. It could spell lots of trouble. But when he saw that cute little blonde chick standing all alone on the road, he just couldn't resist. He'd heard other guys talk about picking up these hippie chicks, about how easy they were... Maybe it was bullshit, but he had to find out. "California, huh?" he said. "That's a long way. I'm going to Indiana, though, and that'll be some help. I can take you as far as Indianapolis." "Indiana," said Cindy. "Where's that?" Oh, Jesus, thought Mike. "Quite a ways, honey," he said pleasantly. "We won't get there till it's dark. So relax, take a nap if you want. We'll stop for breakfast pretty soon." "You're a nice man," Cindy said gratefully. Mike turned his face away to hide a wicked grin. This girl was really in for a surprise from the "nice man". Cindy thought Mike Polanski was handsome in a rugged, weather beaten way, sort of like Charles Bronson. His hair was thinning on top, and his nose had, been badly broken, but he had a powerful burly body, and she was turned on by the way his biceps bulged from the rolled-up sleeves of his blue cotton shirt. He had a sexy raspy voice, and his open collar revealed a thick mat of dark chest hairs. He seemed so virile, so much in charge, that Cindy felt quite safe with him. They chatted easily about life in New York, and they stopped often for meals and snacks. By evening they'd crossed the border into Indiana, and soon after that Mike pulled the huge truck off the road and down a little dirt side road. He parked behind some trees where they couldn't be seen from the highway. "Thought you might have to pee," he said pleasantly. "I sure as hell do." "Me, too," Cindy giggled. They got out, Mike going to one side of the truck and Cindy to the other. She squatted down and pissed in the dirt, and when she was finished, she had a naughty urge to spy on Mike. She was still very curious about men and their bodies, especially about cocks. She knew now that all cocks weren't the same. Pop's had been ugly and red and gross, Ted's sweet and pale and clean. What would Mike's prick look like? She crept under the truck and saw Mike's legs, the muscles bulging in his tight jeans. She crawled farther towards him, till she could just see his powerful hairy-backed hand holding his dick as he pissed a great yellow stream into the dust. She was a little disappointed. His cock wasn't as long as Pop's or Ted's. But it was enormously thick, a short stubby weapon with a dark-red knob at the end. Cindy scooted back to her side of the truck and clambered up into the cab. Mike was back soon, but instead of starting the truck he just lounged against the seat and grinned at her. "We're almost there," he said. There was a strange excitement in his raspy voice, and his dark eyes traveled quickly over her ripe little body. "Before I let you off, maybe you'd like to be nice to me." "Nice to you?" Cindy said innocently. "What do you mean, Mike?" "I mean I gave you a pretty long ride," he said, "and I coulda got in trouble for it. Ain't you grateful?" "Of course!" Cindy said fervently. "You really helped me out." "Then help me out," he said. "Do me a favor." "Sure, Mike," said Cindy. "Anything. What do you want?" He was looking intently at her round, swelling tits poking out saucily under her tight shirt, and he licked his lips. Then he quickly unzipped his fly and drew out his thick, stiff cock. "Guess," he said. Cindy gawked at his lewdly displayed dick. She understood, all right, but she was appalled. She'd looked upon Mike as a sort of uncle, a platonic protector. And besides, he was so old. Wow, he must be in his thirties... It just didn't seem right to Cindy. "Oh, gee, Mike," she said nervously, "I don't know if I want to." "Try it, you'll like it," he chuckled. He moved over to her across the wide seat and slipped his arm around her shoulders. He smelled like sweat and tobacco and hamburgers, and he seemed terrifyingly strong to Cindy. She began to panic. "Please, Mike," she said, "I'm not that kind of girl." "You could be, if you tried," he said. "Come on, Cindy. Don't give me any trouble. I'm horny from all that driving, from being next to you. I need it. Just a quick lay -- what's it to you?" Cindy swallowed hard. She could see his point. He'd done her a big favor, taken risks for her, and she really should repay him somehow. She'd already fucked two men in twenty-four hours, so, indeed, what difference would it make if she fucked another one? It was just that Mike seemed so coarse and brutal to her... "I-I'm a virgin," she lied quickly. Perhaps that would arouse his sympathy. "All the better," said Mike. He suddenly seized her hand and placed it firmly on the rigid white shaft of his prick. Cindy gasped -- his enormously thick cock was so hot and hard. "You'd dig it, baby," he said hoarsely, starting to move her little hand gently up and down his silky rod. "That good hard meat would feel real good..." "Noooo," Cindy said, shuddering. "Please, Mike. When I get to California and find my mother, I'll send you money to pay for the gas and the food. I'd be glad to do that." His powerful hand gripped her shoulder hard, hurting her. "Don't give me no more shit, Cindy," he said roughly. "I gotta get laid, and if you don't cooperate, I could get real mad. Know what I mean?" Cindy's eyes moistened with tears. Mike had been so nice to her, but now he was like a sadistic stranger, and she was afraid. His hand was almost crushing her shoulder, and she could well imagine how badly he could hurt her. There was no point trying to fight him off. A quick fuck would be far better, even if she didn't want to screw this man. "All right, Mike," she said quickly. "I'll do it. Just let go of my shoulder, okay? You're hurting me." He gave her shoulder one quick pinch, to show her what he could do, then let go. He leered at her, and she felt his stubby hot cock twitch excitedly under her hand. "Well, all right," he said, grinning. "That's more like it. You'll enjoy it, doll, I guarantee it. I got a pretty good reputation in the sack. Now, let's get them clothes off. I wanta see that cute little body of yours. I been thinkin' about it for hours." Cindy struggled to hold back her tears as she undressed. Mike sat right next to her, watching intently as she took off her clothes. She drew the tight shirt off over her head, tousling her long blonde hair. She blushed when she emerged from the garment, for Mike was staring lewdly at her boobs. The tight cotton bra seemed to be overflowing with plump ripe tit, and her cleavage was deep and swelling. "Hurry," he said hoarsely. "Get that damned thing off. I wanta see your jugs." He sounded like Pop, coarse and dirty. Cindy writhed with repulsion. Oh, God, if only he were Ted, young and clean and attractive, she'd be creaming her panties and more than ready to fuck. But her little cunt was absolutely dry, and she glanced down at the burly truck driver's short stubby prick with distaste. Cindy unhooked her dainty pink bra and threw it off. Her big, round tits bounced into freedom, the pretty little pink nipples wiggling before Mike's delighted eyes. "Nice," he breathed, "real nice knockers. You shouldn't wear a bra, Cindy. You oughta let 'em bounce, bring a little happiness into the world." He reached out with both hands and seized her bouncing tits, tugging them mischievously, almost as if trying to milk her. His big hands had dark hair all over the backs, and the palms were dirty and sweaty. Cindy's flesh crawled under his wet touch, but he didn't seem to notice her revulsion. "Real nice tits," he sighed. "Biggest I seen in a long time. I screwed this chick last week in Jersey -- man, that poor broad had nothing. I mean nothing. Flat as a board. But she could fuck." He sighed at the memory. "Christ, could she fuck. I hope you're half as good, doll." "I told you," Cindy said stiffly. "I'm a virgin." His leathery face lit up. "Oh, yeah, I forgot. Well, that's far-out. I ain't popped a cherry in a long long time. There was this chick in New York a couple years ago." Cindy closed her ears to his male bragging. Her whole image of Mike was shattered. He'd seemed such a good guy, but he turned out to be just a user of women, ignoring them as human beings, wanting only their cunts. Cindy tried not to shiver with loathing as his big rough hands tugged lewdly at her tits. "Well, okay, get on with it," he was saying. He'd finished his anecdote and was looking impatiently at her. "Take off the rest of your clothes." Cindy blushed and began pulling off her jeans. Mike watched attentively and muttered, "Nice legs." Cindy felt like livestock on display. She blushed even deeper as she removed her panties. Mike began breathing hard and fast when she uncovered her cute little golden muff, and he reached down to touch it. "You're a real cute girl," he said. "Real nice body." Thanks a lot, you creep. Cindy thought indignantly. She ached for Ted, for his tenderness and warmth. To this brutish truck driver she was just a pair of tits and a fuckable cunt. He cared nothing for her. He petted her soft little snatch for a moment, then thrust his hand roughly between her legs, feeling the plump folds of her slit. "Your cunt's dry, baby," he said. "What's the matter? You ain't hot for me?" "No, I'm not," Cindy said angrily. "Just go ahead and get it over with, will you?" "That's exactly what I intend to do," said Mike. He opened his jeans and slid them down to his knees, not bothering to undress all the way. He wore no shorts. Cindy looked aghast at his thickly furred belly. The man seemed covered with hair, like an animal. The belly fur merged with the dark, wiry crotch bush, leaving no gaps, and his cock seemed startlingly white in comparison with the black mat of hairs. His balls were thick with hair, too, gross and fat and menacing. Cindy found him thoroughly repulsive. "Okay, let's get that little pussy of yours ready," he said eagerly. He pushed her back against the passenger door, and Cindy flinched at the cold touch of metal on her bare back and butt. Roughly, as if manipulating a puppet, Mike seized her left leg and drew it up high, hooking her heel over the back of the seat. He pushed her right leg down off the seat till her foot touched the floor. He had opened her legs almost painfully wide, so that her whole cunt was lewdly displayed to his bright, leering eyes. He just sat there and looked at her splayed-open cunt, and Cindy blushed beet-red. She felt so exposed, so humiliated. Her little golden muff was split to reveal the bright-red shaft of her clit, and the delicate hairline of her snatch was drawn wide apart to show the moist pink lips of her cunt. He could even see her asshole. Nothing was hidden from his leering hungry eyes. "Real nice little pussy," he said appreciatively. "Smaller than most, but I guess that's 'cause you're still growing. How old are you, anyhow?" "Eighteen," Cindy said. He reached out and touched the tender pink folds of her pussy. Cindy gasped and flinched, but she couldn't move away because she was already right up against the door. Mike didn't do nice things to her like Ted had done, didn't toy with her clit or try to arouse her. Instead he roughly forced a thick finger right up her dry cunt-hole. "Owwww!" wailed Cindy. "That hurts!" He ignored her, wriggling his stiff finger in her box clear to the last knuckle. He probed around inside her hole, then jerked his head up and looked her in the eye. "You ain't no virgin," he said. "You got a tight cunt, but not that tight. And you been fucking somebody, too. Not too long ago." He whipped his finger out of her hot little box and displayed the white sticky stuff he'd found. His finger glistened with Ted's jism -- and maybe Pop's, too. Cindy blushed hotly. He stuck the wet finger in front of her nose, and she cringed as she smelled the strong spermy odor. "Yeah, you know what that is, don't you, you lying little bitch," he said contemptuously. "Well, I ain't gonna be gentle with you any more. Some other dick has been in there ahead of mine, that's for sure. You may be young, but you been around." Cindy hated him. What damned business was it of his if she'd fucked other men? What right did he have to look down on her and call her names? He was just like Pop, calling a woman a whore if she just did what came naturally. She didn't want to fuck this man, she wanted to knee him right in his ugly hairy balls. She knew better than to try it, though. The powerful truck driver could break her jaw in one blow, mar her pretty face forever. So she just sat there trembling with suppressed anger while Mike knelt between her obscenely spread legs and directed the knobby red head of his prick into her cunt-mouth. He grunted and pushed. Her tiny pussy-mouth was like dry rubber, resisting him, irritating the sensitive head of his cock. "Hell," he said, "your cunt's too dry. That ain't no fun." He pulled back and reached behind the seat into some compartment and got a jar of Vaseline. He scooped out a big fingerful of the stuff and rubbed it all over his thick short prick. Then he approached her again, jabbing his stubby stiff dick up into the recessed valley of her cunt-mouth. This time his cock slid into her twat easily. "EEEeee!" Mike squealed like a stuck pig as he felt his achingly bloated prick sliding into the delicious snug heat of her young cunt. "Baby, are you tight! Ahhh, Jesus, that's good cunt." Cindy felt nothing, at least nothing pleasant. He knelt there, not touching her except with his prick, and there was enough distance between them so she could watch his cock going into her pussy. From her

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Keeping Fit

If you're wondering about time lines this happened almost 20 years after my encounter with my favourite landlady. ===================== Due to my job I never really stayed anywhere for very long and I got into the habit of living out of a suitcase, when I turned forty I felt I needed to make a base for myself: somewhere that was mine, decorated in my style, where I could relax and shut the rest of the world out, if only for a day. I’d spent nearly twenty years working all over the UK and I decided to live somewhere I liked rather...


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Elementary My Dear Watson

This story is my first attempt at writing gay fiction. It is the result of a request by a female friend who asked for a Holmes and Watson sex story. I hope you like it. -- John Watson laid the palms of his hands on either side of Sherlock’s face. Sherlock Holmes didn’t react in any way, shape or form. “You’ve done it!” Watson exclaimed. “You solved it!” “Of course I did,” Holmes retorted calmly. “It was elementary once I worked out how they breached the security system, got past the infrared sensors and entered a room with a retinal scanner”...


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Kaitlyn's Good Deal continues (2)

(Please compare this shorter format to the previous story and tell me which you prefer, OK?) Kaitlyn Parker smiled to herself as she felt her phone vibrate. She did not need to know who that was. It had been a few months since Kaitlyn had made her “Good Deal” with ‘JR’ Roberts. Deep down, she had to admit that it was a ‘fun’ day that day, and as time went on, she found herself making similar ‘deals’ with him. Today, she was wearing a gorgeous new pair of shoes that cost the same as her rent, and a leather pencil skirt...


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HOBO - Chapter 19

CHAPTER NINETEEN Everyone was gone by nine o’clock that evening and Kate was on cloud nine after the reconciliation with her mother and her apology. I was relieved as well, the thought of always being at odds with your wife’s mother was something I was not looking forward to. Kate and Jackie were on the sofa talking as I finished putting away the excess food we had left from the party. “Hey Tim, would you open a bottle of merlot for Jackie and I ?”, Kate asked. “Sure.”, I replied, opening the wine fridge. I opened the bottle and grabbed two...


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The Desirable's Part 1_(1)

It all started about four months ago in my friend Donny’s basement. He led me and my other friend Phil downstairs and sat us down in front of a black board. He flipped the board and on it had all three of our name in individual columns and he started to speak. “Ok guys, I have a legitimate concern”, he stated, “ Jay(that’s me) and Phil, we’ve all been good friends since the third grade and we’ve had a great friendship. We are all 15 and in high school. I THINK IT’S ABOUT TIME WE ALL GOT SOME PUSSY.” I just...


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The Mayflower

Fbailey story number 229 The Mayflower I had worked for two summers on my uncle’s farm to save up enough money for my first car and my insurance too. She wasn’t much but I loved her. She was a 1966 Ford Mustang. There was lots of rust and the seats were worn badly but she was all mine. With four on the floor, bucket seats, and enough power to get up and go, I was in heaven. The engine was in the best shape of anything else in the car. I named her “The Mayflower.” I figured that with my own...


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Captain Hirst's Virgin Bride

Captain Hirst’s Virgin Bride The room was suddenly silent, all hinged upon the turn of a card. Lord Cashmire watched intently as I turned over my last card. An Ace. The colour drained from his face. “But you were bluffing, the nerve on your neck” he stammered. “Nerves my Lord,” I assured him, “Just nerves, you may well have had a superior hand. “My God Cashers, you’ve lost it all!” Bunty Buntingthorpe exclaimed. I looked around as Mallinson acting as server, or Croupier as the frenchies have it, pushed the immense pile of chips and Cashmire’s note towards me. I was...


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Fashion Expert, Make up Artist, and TV Personality

Jeannie is Chinese/Vietnamese make up artist, fashion expert, and TV personality. She is 33, divorced and is 5' 4" tall and petite. Her phone blinked from the desk and she snatched it up, her heart pounding. Was this John Malone? She glances at the time: twelve past two. What time had I said i would meet her? She unlocked her phone. An email. Great. Because prepping for this meeting had just left her tired. She let out a breath and went to her conversation with me. Scrolling through, she confirms what she had already known: I would be there between 3pm...


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The Virgin_(0)

The Virgin I had Just made a wrong turn into a driveway as my friends car, who I was supposed to meet was parked across the street from where he lived. I had gotten out and had walked up to the door to inquire, and had just knocked, when this beautiful young dark headed girl answered the door. I was so taken by her and was trying not to be so obvious as I looked her over, thinking to myself wow she is really nice. As we talked she said my friend parked his car in there driveway a lot and...


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