I wanted Beth

I wanted Beth

Beth My wife and I became acquainted with Beth at a local game room, where a person can sit down, spend fifty dollars, and come out with five dollars worth of merchandise. It's a nice, clean facility, with a minimum age limit of twenty one, which limits noise, and undesirable language, from the younger set. Granted, many sexual remarks are made, as well as good-natured insults, but very little is said that would offend anybody, to the point of hurt feelings. Beth was not especially attractive, very plain, in fact, but there was something about the small woman, which just exuded an, 'I have great pussy' attitude. Compared to my wife, Callie....well, there's there is no comparison. Callie is drop dead gorgeous, and our sex life is great. However, after knowing Beth for several months, I was comfortable with making those, a fore mentioned, sexual remarks to her. To the best of my knowledge, she never took offense, nor told my wife about them. One morning, when she was leaning over the check-in counter, her blue jeans stretched tight across her nice ass, I eased up beside her and asked, “Hmmm, how long are going to be in that position?” Never even looking around, she replied, quietly, “Not long enough, dammit, will you take a rain check?” FUCK!! I never expected an answer like that! I just leaned back her way and said, “I hope it rains real soon.” Beth's husband, Jim, is several years older than she is....well, hell, so am I. Jim's brother, Monte Tanner, was a successful country & western singer during the 1980's, and now has a theater in Branson, Missouri, where he, and several other older singers, perform. Jim, who works for a local airline office, is gone from 5:30am, to 7pm, five days a week. He makes regular trips out of town, as well. Beth asked Callie, if we'd like to come to their place for some bar-b-q with Jim's brother, who was coming in for a few days. Since Callie plays guitar, too, she accepted immediately, and asked if she could bring her instrument. “You know, I've always loved Monte Tanner's music,” Callie told me on the way home, “He's so handsome, too. There was a time when I was absolutely in looove with him. When we go to Jim & Beth's, I'll probably have an orgasm if he lets me play with him.” I decided to test the waters a little. “Oh, so you want to play with Monte? How would you feel, if I wanted to play with Beth?” “I mean play music, Don,” she responded. I could tell she was thinking seriously about something. “besides, I see you and Beth flirting all the time. If you want to hit on her, just don't be upset if I do the same with Monte....or Jim...or both.” “Mother fucker,” I thought, “did I just hear that? Damn! Callie wants to swing! Ohhhh, what an oportunity!” Callie and I had several talks, over the next ten days. We both decided that fucking some new partners would be exciting. After each of those talks, we'd have a fantastic fuck of our own, no matter what room we were in. It was during one of those sessions that I learned a valuable lesson...don't get your balls caught between the couch cushions. I was still a little sore, three days later, when we drove the few miles to the Tanner Ranch. Monte, Jim's brother, was fun to be around. He was laughing and joking with Callie, and making suggestive remarks toward her, even in front of me. The food had been delicious, and plentiful, so when the other guests left, Beth started the clean-up. I volunteered to help, under the guise of needing the exercise. Jim loved playing music, too, so the three of them stayed out on the patio, enjoying their ensemble. Since the hour was late, she let her Mexican housekeeper go home, leaving the kitchen to Beth and I. At some point during the day, she had changed out of her jeans, and into some very short, shorts. When it was time to load the dishwasher, her constant, and prolonged, bending was making my ol' Fat Boy hard. I tried to adjust it, but only when I felt Beth could see what I was doing. My hand finally reached out, running upward, from her knee to her cunt. She smiled at me, over her shoulder, and asked, “Time to collect on that rain check?” “I'm damn sure ready,” I told her, “what about the orchestra?” She pulled her t-shirt up, and off, over her head, rubbed her nipples a little, then started unzipping her shorts, “Jim just gave me a signal, when he changed the music to 'Rodeo Clown'. Monte's in the process of getting Callie's clothes off. They'll both fuck her before she gets loose.” Her shorts dropped, the pussy before me was clean shaven, and glistening with some kind of oil. As small as she was, Beth looked like a teenager, except for the little 'crow's feet' at the corners of her eyes, when she smiled. “See,” she continued, as she began to loosen the buttons on my shirt, “Monte introduced me to Jim. I married him on the condition that I have sex with Monte, when he's in town. In turn,” my shirt was on the back of a dining chair, and my own zipper was now being lowered, “I never have to worry about where my next meal is coming from.” She grabbed my cock, smiled, and added, “or cumming from.” Beth's short, coarse hair barely framed her plain face, but it shined in the light from the overhead lamp. Before I realized it, that thick hair was in my hands, and I was kissing her thin lips. Our tongues fucked each others' mouths, our hands rubbing, and caressing, everything we could reach. Somehow, the door to the dishwasher got closed, and we landed on the throw rug, in front of it. The guitar music had stopped completely, indicating a threesome was going full force, on the patio. My entire dick sank into Beth, balls deep. She gasped, at first, but I felt like she was just trying to make me feel good. Then she began gripping my thighs with her fingers, pulling me as deep as she could. Her humping, and thrashing, brought her to an orgasm, fast. I was still several minutes away from cumming, when she grunted, grabbed me by my ass, and began, again. “My God, Don,” she managed to say, between panting, and jerking her body upwards, “Just fuck me... Fuck me hard... Deep... Fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeee.” I did. My nuts started tightening after Beth had her fourth orgasm. I knew this was going to be a big load, since my balls had been sore for three days, and I hadn't fucked Callie during that time. I was right. My cock spat like a pressure washer. Beth's eyes flew open when the first blast hit her cervix. “Oh, God!”, she said, jerking my ass, holding my shaft in place, “Oh my fucking God! What in the fuck are you doing to me? Oh, fuck!” My bucket of cum kept dumping, hitting bottom, splashing back, leaking out. I'm sure I'd filled Callie just as much, at one time or another, but I couldn't remember when. As I collapsed on her, our lips met, again. For the next ten minutes, we kissed...and kissed...and kissed. Again, I couldn't remember kissing Callie that much, or with as much passion. Fat Boy started another rise, inside her warm, very wet, sheath. After stirring for a few minutes, Beth whispered, “My ass, please. Put it in my ass.” Not being one to deny a lady such a request, I rolled her over. The rug burns on her back matched the ones on my knees, but who gives a shit? While she was still raising into position, I was able to get the right angle, and ram my dick in. Beth was not a stranger to anal sex, and was able to accept me, wholly. Twenty minutes later, I gave her a baby batter enema. My cum rolled, again, although not as much as my first dump. During the ass fuck, Beth came three more times. Her juices, mixed with mine, soaked the poor throw rug. We fell beside each other, holding and kissing, again. Ten minutes later, we stared into each others' faces, totally in love. Never, would either of us, enjoy another partner, as much as what we just enjoyed with each other. We decided to hit the shower, together of course, but first, we walked to the den. As we peeked thru the glass door, onto the patio, we saw Callie, riding both cocks at once. Jim and Monte were on their backs, with their right legs, over the others' left leg, hence placing their bodies in a 'balls to balls' position. Beth told me, “They like to call that the 'Tanner Tandem'. I've done it, but I think she's liking it better than me.” Callie's eyes were rolled back, as her head pointed toward the stars. One cock in her cunt, the other in her exquisite ass. She had only permitted my dick in there one time, but I decided, that wouldn't be the case, from now on. Beth and I were able to fuck again in the shower, then one more time, as we took pains to doctor each others'...'rug rash'. Wearing only bath robes, we returned to the den, to check on the patio activities. Monte was passed out on a lounge chair, Callie had Jim's flaccid dick in her mouth, trying to revive it. “Damn, Don,” Jim could barely catch his breath between words, “how in the hell have you been able to keep up with this sexy, fuckin' maniac? She's done fucked Monte's ass into the dirt, and I've dumped enough cum in her to float a fuckin' anvil. She still wants more!” I pulled Callie off Jim, but she immediately dropped to my waist, jerked my robe open, and took my cock between her teeth. “I think Monte slipped a little something in one of her drinks,” Jim panted, “she'll stay horny for hours. I don't know what it is, do you, Beth?” Beth's answer was lost somewhere in my moans, as I dumped my fifth load into Callie's throat. I did hear her say that they'd used the same thing on her before, and Jim was right, Callie would suck and fuck anything, until it wore off. We were invited to spend the night, since it would be a dangerous trip back to town. There was no way Callie could keep her hands to herself that long, and interference with my driving could be fatal. Beth made a point to Jim, that I would be sleeping with her....if we slept. Sure enough, there was very little sleep. Even if we didn't have sex each time, Beth and I loved, kissed, rubbed, stroked, and examined each inch of our bodies. By the time morning arrived, we had decided to leave our spouses, and be together, for the rest of our lives. As it turned out, we didn't have to announce the news first. Monte met us in the kitchen. “Don...Beth, I've asked Jim to quit his job. Hell, he's a better picker than most of the ones in Nashville..better than all of them in Branson. Callie's damn, fuckin' good, too. In fact, she's damn, fuckin' good, and...damn good fuckin'. She told me last night she wanted to be in my band, and in my bed. I'd love to have her join Jim and me. What do y'all think?” My new lover spun me around, wrapped her freckled arms around my neck, and kissed me. Then she turned back to Monte, “Don and I will keep the ranch. We'll keep their house in town, too. Jim can have the lake house, and the acreage near Branson. Y'all are welcome to come here, or cum here, anytime, we'll stay in town. My pussy, ass and mouth, too, all belong to Don now. No more fuck drugs, either.” Monte interrupted, “Damn thing is, Callie just went fuckin' crazy last night, I didn't give her anything. She just became, mother fuckin', obsessed, and by God, I liked it.” “Well,” I continued for Beth, after planting a kiss on her shoulder, “we're leaving for town in a few minutes. If Callie wants to ride in with us, she can pick whatever she wants, then bring her car back. Anything else she needs, we'll ship to her, as well as cash for her half of everything. Our lawyer can handle all the paperwork for us.” “He can handle our stuff, too,” Beth looked up at me, “there's not going to be any problems, anyway. I'm going to go tell Jim what's going on. Be back in a minute.” That was four years ago. Beth and I still can't get enough of each other. Although I'm forty-four now, we have sex, in one or more ways, every day. Even when she was pregnant with our twins, she would blow me, or give me her ass, when she felt it was unsafe to fuck her cunt. As for myself, I've always heard the old adage, 'use it or lose it'. Believe me, I don't want to lose it. Callie, and two other women, are living with Jim & Monte, in the house, they built, near Branson.

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