Tyler and I got home at the same time and rushed to our room. We tossed our clothes off and started furiously making out. We had a half hour before our mom arrived home. My nipples were stiff immediately. Tyler’s cold fingers pinched and teased my breasts. I loved every second of it. “Big brother by 5 minutes... would you... um... hehe... well I wanna try...” “Oral?” He blurts out. I nod and giggle to myself. “Okay. Lay back and don’t have too high of hopes. I’ve never done this to a girl.” I lay back on my bed and bring my knees up to my chest. His tongue touches my pussy and I moan. It was a shocking feeling. Almost like your first kiss was. Electricity shoots through me and makes me hot. I feel the wetness gather down below. “Ty... slow.” I pant. He slowly licks my lips and slit. I can’t keep quiet as he does this. Soon enough he is sucking on my clit and sticking his fingers inside of me. “Faster... I’m close.” He sucks my clit into his mouth and pumps his fingers in and out. I am moaning and screaming when I hear the front door close. My mom runs up the stairs and Tyler quickly hides in our on suite bathroom. I cover myself with sheets. “What’s wrong?” Mom asks. “I had a bad dream during my nap.” “Oh okay. You good now?” “Yeah. I’m good.” “Okay. Clean up this room. Tell your brother his clothes go in his basket.” “Okay mom.” She leaves and I scurry into the bathroom with Tyler. “That was fucking fantastic! Sit on the toilet lid. I’m gonna suck you off now.” I whisper to him. “Moms home tho!” “So?” I ask with a cheeky smirk. He sits on the toilet lid and spreads his legs. I grab his cock out of his boxers and lick the length. His head is thrown back in pleasure. I suck on just the tip and he runs his hand through my hair. “I love you sis.” He whispers as I take the whole thing in my mouth. He moans deeply. As I blow him, I hear my mom shuffle into the room. I hop into the shower and then a knock on the door signaled my mom looking for us. “Hey which one of you is in there?” “It’s Tyler!” “Where’s your sister? “I don’t know.... check the pool.” Her footsteps retreat and I hop out of the shower. “What do I do?!?!” I scream whisper at him. “Go to the kitchen in your swimsuit” “But I didn’t finish....” “We can finish tonight. For now I’ll be in here.” I leave the bathroom and immediately hear Tyler moaning again. I slip on my bikini and run downstairs. “Hey mom” I say as we pass each other. “Hey, where were you?” “I was getting my bikini on. The closet door must have blocked me.” “Oh you didn’t hear me?” “Headphones.” I say jiggling the ear buds in her face. “Okay. Well I’m headed to the store. Need anything?” “Condoms please!” “Staying safe. Gotcha. We’re gonna have a talk when I get back young lady. Bye!” Mom leaves and I head out to the pool. I hop in to the cool water and look up to the bedroom window. Tyler is standing there still shirtless. I smile at him and wave him down. I swim around until Tyler arrives in his swim shorts. I swim to the edge he sat down on and he kisses my forehead. I then do a backstroke away from him to present my body to him. I take off my top and toss it at him. He mockingly holds it up to his chest and makes a funny face. Then I wave him into the water. He drops in and swims over to me. He stands in front of me and picks me up above the water. He sucks my tits so lovingly. Light licks and light sucking. He pinches my nipples between his fingers every so often and my head eventually leans backwards and gives him access to my neck. He leads kisses all the way up and starts nibbling on my skin. “Tyler... take off my bottoms.” I whisper. He listens and slips them off while still kissing and nibbling my neck. I fish his cock out of his shorts and slowly jerk him off. Then I do the daring move of putting it between my pussy lips. I move his tip along my slit and rock my hips to it. “I got mom to get condoms...” I whisper as his tip reaches my hole. “Are we really gonna do this?” He asks shakily. “Hell yes Tyler. Don’t you crave the warmth of my virgin pussy around your cock?” “Wow sis... I’ve never heard you use those words before.” “It’s a yes or a no Tyler. I wanna feel your huge cock inside of me and make me cum around it.” “Mmm I wanna feel your tight virgin pussy around my huge cock sis.” He moans. “I can’t wait for you to fuck me Tyler.” I say and then he cums with his cock on my clit. “Mmm. I wish I could have tasted that load.” “Next one sis. Next load is all yours.” I hop out of the pool naked and run to my towel. Tyler gathers my suit and hops out after me. We shower together and get dressed all before mom gets home. When she does get home, she calls me downstairs. “Honey!” I run down and meet her in the living room. She hands me the condoms and then gets serious. “You know sex is a big thing right? You wouldn’t want to do it with someone you don’t live right?” “Right mom. I know the rules of sex in your words.” “Then repeat them back to me.” “Do it with someone you love. If you feel uncomfortable let him or her know. And never ever do it without protection.” “Good girl. So tell me about the guy.” “Well he’s really sweet and caring. I feel like I’ve known him my whole life. He’s an amazing kisser. Like so amazing. And he’s a virgin too.” “Well he sounds lovely. Be safe. I love you sweetie.” She says with a smile. I go back upstairs and wave the condoms at Tyler. “You ready for tonight?”