Discoving I am gay part 2

Discoving I am gay part 2

So just to be clear me and Leon are really good friends. He was the one that told me about this website and I asked if i could advertise on his story. I hope none of my readers will reflect badly on Leon as he is a cool guy.

So after my lesson I still had the thought of McKenzie in my head. I went to meet Lizzy for some lunch. When i meet her she was with all are other friends talking and laughting away. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss and said "Hey babe what we doing for lunch?" She looked at me and smiled she said "I was thinking you could treat me to Subways" I smiled at her and said "Sure come on"

So we all walked into the shopping centre and went to the local Subways we ate lunch and went back to college. On are way back to College some guy was getting on at McKenzie for being gay. Lizzy looked at me as if to say stop them. I walked over to the guy and said "Hey why don't you fuck off before I smash your face in" The guy soon left after i said that but shot me a dirty look before he went. I asked McKenzie "are you okay?" He looked at me and said "yeah. Thank you" i said "It's cool man"

So back in lesson I was really bord so I started listening to some music on my phone. McKenzie asked me if I was listening to Professor Green and I said "yeah. He's a good Artist" He turned round fully so he was facing me and said "Do you mind if I listen to it too?" I pulled one of my earphones out and gave it to him so class went on and it was finally time to go home. We packed up all are course work and course books and left the class room.

On the way down the stairs I said to Mckenzie "Would you like a lift home?" McKenzie looked at me and said "You sure you wanna give me a lift home. Remember I am gay" I looked at him with a weird look on my face and said "What that gotta do with a lift home. I have many gay friends so it's cool"

So when we got to the car park and I unlocked my car and we both got in. McKenzie turned to me and said "Why haven't we started driving yet?" I turned to face him in the passenger seat and said "We are just waiting for Lizzy" When Lizzy got in my car she said "Hey babe. Hey McKenzie you getting a lift home?" McKenzie said "yeah I hope you don't mind?" Lizyy laughted and said "Not all all"

So I drove Mckenzie home and when he got out I pulled my window down and said "We are having a DVD night tonight with some friend. Do you wanna come over?" He took a few seconds to decied then said "If it's okay with everyone yes please" I said "Great come to my house at 6 i live at.... (the dots are my address)" he smiled at me and for some reason I liked when he smiled at me but I did'nt think much of it at the time. He said "I will see you both later"

So i drove off and Lizzy said to me "That was nice of you." I said "Well I kinda feel sorry for the guy. I havent seen him with any friends all day and I think he is kinda cool" so on the way to Lizzy house it was filled with boring small talk. When I got to her house we kissed goodbye and I drove home

When I got home the house was empty like usal so I made me self something to eat and watched tv until it was 6. All of my friends came over and so did Lizzy and McKenzie. We was all watching the film and having a good time. When the film had finshed I need to pee so I went to the bathroom and had one. When I got back down stairs McKenzie asked "Can you show me where the bathroom is please?" so I said "Sure follow me" so McKenzie got out the seat he was in and followed me upstair and I pointed the bathroom out to him. He looked at me and said "I don't need the bathroom really I wanted to get you alone." I looked at McKenzie with the same weird look I gave him at College earlier that day and asked "Why did you want me alone?" McKenzie moved closer to me and said "So I could do this" and kissed me. I broke are kiss a second later and said "O my god did you just kiss me? What the hell do you think your doing?" I started pacing up and down the hallway and said "answer me!" in a very quite tone of voice so the others could'nt hear us. McKenzie keep looking at me as I was pacing and said "I think I should go" I grabbed him by the hand and said "It's cool just don't kiss me again" so we went down stairs like nothing had happened and about a hour later everyone left apart from Lizzy. We was talking and I said "Lizzy you know I love you right?" Lizzy looked at me and said "Yes of course I do" I looked to the floor and said "I think we should stop seeing each other" Lizzy jumped outta her seat and said "What!" so I repeated my self and Lizzy said "Well I don't even care because I've been cheatting on you with Mark" I laughted and Lizzy said "What's so fucking funny?" I said "I've known for a long time that you've been cheating on me" Lizzy grabbed her coat and left. The best part about breaking up with her was the fact that I did'nt have to keep telling my self it's only a thing anymore and I felt free for the first time in a VERY long time.

to be contined

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