By: StormHerald Chapter 4 The train ride to the country side was long, longer than I would have expected, I ignored what country we were in and instead slept, being told by my aunt that I would have little opportunity to do so once I had arrived. Eventually, we did arrive and a long black limo waited for us at the train station. My aunt had made sure I looked fresh and appropriately vampire like, dressed in a very form fitting antique, black lace dress. It covered every inch of skin from the tops of my hands to the tops of my feet, and all the way to my jaw line. I pulled at it for a moment before my aunt gave me a dark look and I put my hands in my lap and waited nervously. She leaned to the side and whispered in my ear, "We are the last to arrive, I wanted you to be noticed, and you shall be. I want you walking in like you are a princess, because you are, got it?" I nodded nervous and my aunt nudged me again, "You can’t appear weak, you will already be considered the weakest one just by being a human Lilly. I want you to walk in there and act like there isn't a damn person there worth your time." I swallowed nervously and my aunt smiled, "You already had something to eat before you arrived, and the courting ceremony commences at sun set." "So how many hours exactly?" "Oh enough time for you to greet who I introduce you to, and you are to refuse to even look at anyone I do not introduce you too, especially the three little vampy girls that will probably be more than excited to get in an initial intimidation. Also, no eating or drinking anything I do not give you myself, understand?" I nodded, "I don't imagine they are going to have anything Lilly friendly there?" My aunt nodded as the limo stopped. She pulled a few of my curls out of the loose up do I had. She checked the diamond encrusted combs and barrettes and then straightening me out, she stepped out flipping open her umbrella and then reached down and held her hand out for me. I grabbed it and got out of the car buttoning up the long jacket as the cold wind hit. My aunt smiled and guided me to the castle. We entered loudly announced and my aunt took her time closing her umbrella and handing the umbrella and her very stylish hat to the butler. I took my time unbuttoning my jacket and allowed him to help me out of it, his obvious surprise at the jacket evident on his face. My aunt laughed, "Not all of us are lucky enough to be able to sport such accessories." I turned away from the man batting at a soft curl that kept tickling my cheek and followed my Aunt into the ball room. The music and the dancing and laughing all stopped as hundreds of vampire eyes turned to stare at me. My Aunt straightened her back reminding me to do the same and I looked straight ahead only looking at my aunt. The vampires parted around us as my aunt walked straight to a familiar looking group. They smiled when they saw me and I was introduced to my mother’s small group of relatives. I greeted the group of four seeing them assessing everything about me and then looking behind my shoulder with worry. My aunt started speaking heatedly to my cousin in what sounded like French and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I straightened and turned slightly to look into a pair of large black eyes, sitting among a cloud of cold white hair, behind her stood the other two betrothed. Desmond smirked cruelly at me, "So the little human arrives." I felt everyone freeze that was within hearing distance and I looked at the three before rolling my eyes and turning back around stepping to my silently staring aunt and pretending to whisper into her hear. A huge smile broke across her face and she stepped around me to handle the three girls. I greeted the cousin she was speaking to, thanking her for being there. The vampire seemed genuinely flabbergasted at my thanks and said that she would never leave a member of the family to fend for themselves, especially one as precious as me. I felt my Aunt grab my hand and I dipped my head and thanked them before turning away and looking straight ahead ignoring the glaring vampire girls as my aunt slowly rotated me around the room. Eventually we reached a very old vampire woman who spoke very loudly to my aunt and then turned to me and gasped in shock. "My dear whatever is happening on top of your head?" My aunt began to explain who I was and that my hair was natural causing the old vampire to lean forward and capture a loose curl, "How odd, but rather lovely isn't she Isadora?" My aunt nodded and smiled, "She is rare." The old vampire laughed, "Oh Isadora, the game is afoot, is that the angle you are going for? My little Desmond is still in the lead I think." My aunt laughed, "How in the lead Margarette?" "She already has quite the relationship with the Prince, it almost seems like this whole courting ceremony is nothing but a farce." My aunts eyes got sharp but her smile never wavered, "Oh well, we shall see, I have faith in my little blue diamond." And with that my aunt turned and strode away, with me quickly on her heels. She whispered to a butler and we were escorted through the ballroom and out the doors. My aunt was walking quickly with sharp steps and I was close behind her until I tripped and knocked over a vase. I stopped and looked around for help and knelt down and picked up the bigger pieces and put them back on the pedestal. When I finished I looked around and realized my aunt was gone and I was completely alone. It took a moment before I took off down the hall I think my aunt went down and walked slowly and quietly, trying not to attract any attention. I felt the presence behind me before I heard it the velvet voice, "What are you doing?" I turned to look into an odd silver pair of eyes, "I am lost." He took a step towards me, he was tall a head taller than me, and he was muscular, not the very lean body of most vampires, but instead his body was powerful. My pulse quickened as his midnight black hair fell straight into his eyes, the rest of his hair pulled back into a ponytail. "Who are you?" I straightened my spine and stared at him, "I could ask you that, but I'm sure I wouldn't get a proper answer. Vampires never give me an honest answer." "You didn't answer my question, instead you insulted me." I saw the silver in his eyes harden and I fought the urge to take a step back. My father had always pounded into my head that vampires were predators and reacted as predators would, they smelled fear, and if you showed your weakness they would attack. Instead I tried to stare at him with haughtiness, but instead I only managed a weak annoyance and it didn't even bother him. I took a deep breath, "I am Lilith Vlaine, betrothed to Prince Damien Greyance." His eyebrows shot up in surprise, "So you are the little human betrothed hmm?" I finally slouched a bit in annoyance, "Cripes, would everyone quit calling me the little human! Geese I look like big bertha against those other three stick figure vampire girls." The vampire took a step forward and I stared into his eyes unflinching, which seemed to make him curious and amused. As I studied him I realized he couldn't be much older than I was and he was breathtakingly hansom. I felt my pulse quicken for a moment before I took a deep breath to calm it. What the hell was I doing, I was supposed to be getting married in a few months and here I was getting twiterpaited by some random vamp. "You aren't nervous by my eyes?" I returned my attention to his eyes and shook my head, "Why would I be, it’s refreshing to not be the only person here without black eyes." "You are peculiar." I looked at him and scoffed, "Yes, I know. Thanks for being polite in saying that the fully human offspring of a royal family is just peculiar, I imagine I'm going to be hearing a lot worse before this is all over with." The vampire stepped towards me only centimeters from me, "That is not what I meant." I finally stumbled back a step my heart pounding in my ears as I looked at the young grey vampire, "W… What do you mean?" He snickered and turned on his heel and walked away leaving me grabbing the side of the hall and holding my chest, trying to calm my rapid beating heart. My aunt found me moments later and the look of absolute worry crossed her face as she took in my state, "Did something happen." "A guy, he was so, abrupt...and unusual." "ohm, no, no, no, you are here for one vampire guy only miss Lilly, so you straighten up, and fix that palpitating heart of yours and move along, and do not ever lose me again." I nodded turning to follow her and took a few steps before I turned my head and saw the sneer of pure hatred on the face of the beautiful Desmond. I turned back around and worked on calming myself down, focusing instead of the most interesting pair of gray eyes I had ever seen. When we reached the rooms my aunt threw herself across the bed with her arm over her face in what looked to be a very dramatic posture, "Lilly you will be the absolute destruction of me. I nearly fainted when I saw you weren't behind me." "I'm alright, just stumbled, you were moving too fast for me to keep up in this ridiculous dress. Now explain to me why the other three get to wear beautiful, breath taking, revealing, modern dresses, and I'm stuck in a Victorian, full length, nightmare?" "Well I am quite close friends with Margarette, whom you met. She's Desmond's great aunt. It was her, that had informed me of how stiff the competition with her niece was going to be, but I had no idea that Desmond worked so fast. It seems that the little, blonde, nightmare has already made it into the Princes bed, which puts the rest of the betrothed, and ESPECIALLY you, at a great disadvantage. But having anticipated something like this, was the reason why you are in that dress." "Why again?" "Well, darling, the Prince was moving about the ball watching all four of you girls. Making a point not to be noticed, and all he saw of you was an amazing set of curls, and a great figure covered in lace. At the courting commencement ceremony you will be bearing your entire body to be observed, he will be more interested in yours than the others simply because he has seen far, far less of yours than the others." I winced as she began to pull out the commencement ceremony outfit that I was going to wear, "Alright Lilly we have one hour to make you look like a princess." And with that she began to bath and demand I shave my legs, my underarms and to my horror, my sex. When I had fully bathed and shaved she began to help me get into my lingerie. It was a tight see through corset of white lace that had no frills on it and laced up with a sheer ribbon up the back. I straightened as my 34 DD breasts were squeezed to their full glory, my smallish pink nipples hardening underneath the constant rubbing of the material. Sheer white stockings were snaked up my legs and the lacy tops rested on my thighs and were attached to the garter ribbons hanging from the corset. I had already put on the completely see through thong and watched as my aunt undid my hair putting the combs carefully away before ruffling my curls and then pinning them back up in a very messy, yet oddly sexy, up do. She put a small bit of lip gloss on my lips to highlight their natural pink shine then without much warning she slapped me on each cheek. I stared at her stunned and she smiled, "I can’t put makeup on you, and you needed a bit of blush. You’re not ivory; you're tan so it takes a bit more than a pinch to get your cheeks red." I wasn't going to wear shoes, which would be the opposite of the other three, who would be wearing tall, spiky, hooker heels. And the last touch to it all was a black silk robe to wrap all of me in. My aunt was all too aware of how human I was, and after asking around, found that the council rooms would be cold, along with the entire castle, which meant I could get sick being as naked as I was. So to compensate for the times I would be forced to be naked my aunt had fashioned a silk robe for me to wear to the council chambers. It was fur lined so I felt very warm and safe in it. We walked quickly to the chambers, my feet feeling the cold trek with every step we took, "You know hooker heels sound kind of nice about now." My aunt looked down at my feet, "Are they really cold?" I shrugged, "It’s uncomfortable, but not unbearable yet." "Okay, chin up, in we go." We stepped into the council room, which looked more like a large private office with a long desk sitting in front of me. The four council members sat at the long desk and I was relieved to see that someone had taken the time to put a very plush, rug down for all four of the betrothed to stand on. I stood waiting, the first one to arrive, and slowly the other three arrived wearing black see through lace, their slender, angular frames on proud display underneath different styles of lingerie. They looked at me startled by my robe but remained quiet as we all waited. Finally the vampire I had met in the hall strode in, grey eyes flashing as he looked at the four of us. He bowed to the council members and stepped off to the side waiting silently for the council members to begin the meeting. A very old vampire stood up and stared past my shoulder to who I could only assume was my aunt, "You were told she needed to wear something that we can see her in? You were made aware of the laws?" "Yes your grace, it is just that she is human, and therefore significantly more susceptible to the temperature of the rooms, there for in order to keep her out of harms way, she needed to wear something warm until it was the appropriate time." "Aw, yes, I received your request. I can fully appreciate the situation, now we have staff working on making the castle a bit more, friendly to our little guest." I bit back and frown at his comment, and looked to the side of him seeing grey eyes looking at my reaction with a glint of amusement, "That being resolved, Isadora, she needs to present herself as the others do." I nodded and untied the robe, letting my aunt slip it off of my frame. It was obvious that no one expected white, because there was a mutual intake of breath as the four old vampires stared at me stunned for a moment before clearing their throats and turning to the grey eyed vampire. I started to feel a sense of dread as I began to realize who the vampire was, and I kept replaying the meeting in the hall in my head, wondering just how big of a fool I had seemed to be to him. The Prince nodded and the oldest vampire pointed to Desmond and announced her name telling her to come forward so the prince and council could inspect her body. She strode forward with confidence and didn't flinch as the Prince put his hands on her body, lifting her arms and hair and turning this way and that. The scene repeated for the other two girls and finally it was my turn. My heart began to thud violently against my chest as I stepped forward and felt my body be devoured by the council as well as the Prince. He gently touched me, lifting my arms and turning me this way and that, and after being dismissed he kept staring at me. I stopped listening to the council members as they grilled my chaperone on my health and family, instead focused on the intense silver stare I was receiving, feeling his gaze, like his cold hands, brushing along my body. My breathing increased a bit as the cold feeling of his eyes turned into a warm sensation in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't look away from his eyes, and he refused to stop his eyes from wandering my body. My aunt’s touch snapped me out of the hypnosis the prince was causing as the council members sat down and started the conclusion of the meeting. "Now Prince, as per tradition you take each girl with you to your chambers one night for each girl, so that you can gain their scent, should you need to track them. Which girl will it be tonight?" I refused to look at him, sensing that Desmond had already assumed it would be her. But as I heard her take a small step forward the velvet voice said my name and both Desmond and I stared at him in shock. The council chuckled, having not been as oblivious to the display between Prince Damien and I, as I had thought they had been. "Very well, then the lady Desmond shall be next, followed by lady Yuki, and then lady Elizabeth. Thus concludes this ceremony, Isadora, I wish to speak with you." My aunt nodded putting her hand on my elbow and propelling me into the hands of the Prince, before turning and following the council out. I ignored the very intense prickly feeling I got on my back at being glared at by three sets of eyes and felt the Prince grab my wrist and pull me out with him. When we walked out a cheer and a groan welcomed me into the hall as the whole vampire population seemed to be crammed into the hall. When they saw me with the Prince money began to exchange hands as a lot more groaning, than cheering happened. I was happy to see for a brief moment that my four family members seemed to be receiving the majority of the bet as well as congratulations and invitations to dinner. I smiled at them and they waved mouthing a good luck before I was yanked into another room. The Prince let my wrist go and walked further into his room removing his outer jacket and taking his boots off before collapsing onto the couch. He looked irritated as he looked past me to the door, "Idiots." I moved forward and put my hands on the back of a chair, "Why do you call them idiots?" "Betting like that, they should be ashamed." I chewed on my lip pondering his words before shrugging, "I bet it was boring waiting for the whole thing to be over with. I don't begrudge them a bit of entertainment and it seemed harmless enough." His eyebrows rose, "You realize they were betting against you being the one I chose." I couldn't help but smile, "They had a 75 percent chance I wouldn't be the one coming out. It was good odds. And what's important is that once again, I beat the numbers and my family bet on me, so they made out pretty well too." The Prince looked at me quietly for a moment, just long enough for the cold room to finally get to me and a shiver run down my body. His eyebrows shot up again as he stood up and disappeared into the other room, coming back with a blanket that he threw over my shoulders immediately. He sighed and I looked at him as he stood in front of me, "I'm sorry, I know its annoying, trying to remember all the human stuff." "Yes, it is." I nodded and looked around. "I will be honest I don't know what the council meant by you getting my scent and what not, but I figured we get that out of the way and I can go back to my rooms." The Prince looked at me then shook his head, "You have to stay the night, the entire night, until noon tomorrow." I stared at him shocked, "Oh, okay." I shifted from foot to foot feeling awkward and finally the prince grabbed me and pulled me to the couch to sit with him. He stared out the window watching the birds fly out of sight and I pulled my legs up and folded them to my chest wrapping them in the large blanket as well setting my chin on my knees. "You don't remember me do you?" I jumped a little at the Princes velvet voice then shook my head looking at his profile, "No, should I?" "We were play mates until you left, how could you not remember?" I sighed, "The last time I was in the hospital was for head trauma, I don't remember much, if any part of my life before moving to Idaho." He turned to look at me, his eyes full of an emotion I couldn't quite place, "Honestly?" I nodded, "Did we like each other, I mean were we friends?" He turned away from me without saying anything and I felt a deep sense of sadness roll off of him. I found it odd for a vampire to be so open with their emotions, but after a while I began to realize he wasn't open, he just was really easy for me to read. I reached out and laid my hand gently on his shoulder. "You shouldn't do that." "Do what?" He turned and looked at me his eyes growing darker, "Be so comforting, so soft." I pulled my hand back and sighed resting my chin on my knees, "My dad said that to me all the time. I don't think he was ever more disappointed with how absolutely human I am." I peeked from the side of my eye and saw that I had Damien's attention so I continued, "I can’t help but be comforting. It’s all I ever wanted really, for someone to comfort me after being yelled at for the millionth time about how human I was. Or seeing my parents disappointed faces every single time I take a salad instead of a bloody steak." "Well it seems you will do nothing but disappoint them again while you are here. Perhaps that is why your aunt is here and not your mother." I stared at him open mouthed shocked by how cruel he sounded. Before I realized it I was out of the blanket and standing above him delivering a resounding smack right to his cheeks. He was up in a flash and grabbed both of my wrists and slamming me against the window, "How dare..." I felt the first of the tears roll down and I struggled against him iron hold, "You jerk, you absolute ass hole." He shook me briefly yelling for me to stop it before I finally calmed down and he glared down at me, his silver eyes now steal, "you think just because of who your mother and father are that you can strike me?" "No, I don't think my mother and father give me a reason to strike you. I think you being an absolute prick gives’ me the right to strike you." I fought panting and felt his body pressed against mine as he pinned me to the window. The cold of the glass and the cold of his body overwhelmed me and I began to shake. Prince Damien groaned in disgust and released me flinging me back to my blanket. I refused to put it on, instead standing up and glaring at him. Chocolate eyes glared down steel eyes as I worked on catching my breath, my heart still beating from the sudden fight I was having with the Prince. It was only as I started to calm down and my breathing slowed that I realized the Prince had stopped looking at my face and had started roaming my body again. I took a step back and he took a step forward and I stepped back into the chair falling into it. I was quickly up and out of it as he strode two more steps towards me and I put it between us as I made a dash for the door. I should have known it wouldn't work, before my hands even reached the door I felt myself lifted and thrown over Prince Damien's shoulder. I shouted and punched at his back, trying to get out of his strong hold, only to be tossed onto a bed of dark, down bedding. I sat up and stared at him frightened as he pulled his shirt off and sat on the bed. I shivered now not from cold but from fear and watched him take a deep breath. "Why are you so afraid?" "Why do you think, you attacked me." He chuckled, "I distinctly remember you striking me." "I.. I’m sorry." He became serious and shook his head, "Don't be, I thought maybe with a little finesse you would be able to handle this, but I don't think that will work in the amount of time I have." I looked at him my fear notching up a bit. He moved blindingly fast and had me on my back my hands shackled above my head and my legs shackled wide apart. I cried out in fear and struggled against the restraints. His hand touched my stomach and he stared me in the eye. "I will not hurt you, I swear it. But there are certain things we have to do, in order for me to get your scent and taste. And it is something I'm sure you were not told about, unlike your competition." "W.. What are you talking about." His lips pressed against mine and I turned my head trying to ignore the sudden warmth that his kiss had created in my stomach. He turned my head and kissed me again, this time keeping me from turning away with strong fingers holding my chin. His tongue was warm and licked across my lower lip before leaving my lips and kissing down my jaw and neck. His fingers reached up and tweaked one of my small pink nipples with his fingers, sending a charge of electricity and heat to my stomach and down to the junction between my legs. I gasped and he locked his lips back onto mine, his lips milking a response from mine until I couldn't remember why I didn't want to kiss him. The kiss deepened until we were both desperately locked in the kiss, his tongue caressing mine as I sucked on it, his lips working at mine until I was moaning soft moans into his mouth. He broke the kiss and sat up looking at my now heaving chest. I watched as liquid, silver eyes looked away from chest to my eyes before grabbing the top of the corset and ripping it down the front, yanking it off and freeing my breast. He grabbed the left orb, rubbing and kissing it, avoiding the nipples and instead nipping close to them. He did this with both breasts until finally his mouth locked onto one nipple and I gasped as his warm tongue danced around the already tight bud, his fingers pinching and pulling on the one until his mouth switched and he was licking and sucking on the other one. The junction between my thighs grew hotter and hotter as he fondled my breast, and I moaned in pleasure. He began kissing down my stomach, never stopping from twisting and tugging on my nipples until he reached the hem of my sheer panties. With a flick of his wrist the panties were ripped off and he smiled up at me. "You smell divine." I gasped out a thank you as he began to nibble and kiss my inner thighs. He looked at me once before lowering his face and taking a long lick up my slit. I gasped in surprise and pleasure; I had never had anyone do that to me before. I felt strong fingers pull my lips apart and another warm, rough lick slid up my now dripping slit. I gasped "Oh gods" and he chuckled before licking just outside of my opening. I groaned trying to lift up but being unable to because I was tied. I felt the shackles removed and then felt a two hands grab each leg and rest them over his shoulders as he leaned down and began to lick my slit up and down. I moaned and writhed in pleasure, feeling a build of heat and electricity inside me. He locked his lips onto my pussy and began to suck, nursing the juices out of me, and delving his tongue as deep as he could into me. I began rocking against him as his tongue darted in and out of me, fucking me. I gasped and felt my body tense as a surge of heat flooded me and electricity bounced through me. I arched my back and moaned in pleasure. As I came back down I realized that Damien hadn't released my pussy from his lock, and was instead sucking and drinking my juices, the look on his face causing the heat to begin to build in me again. His tongue delved in as deeply as he could until he met resistance. I almost cried out when he broke his lock on me and looked at me. "Lilly, are you a maid, a virgin?" I nodded looking at him and wondering if something was wrong. He groaned in what seemed like misery before kissing my body over and over as I slowly calmed down from my first orgasm. He released my arms and I sat up seeing him trying to hide a frustrated look. "What is the matter?" Prince Damien smiled at me, his eyes the color of silver, "You tasted sweet, it was heady and addicting, and arousing, however, I didn't realize you were still a maid." He sighed and closed his eyes and covered his eyes with his arm. I looked at his beautiful chest and then looked lower, not surprised to see a very tight bulge straining against his pants. I leaned forward to kiss him, realizing what he was not doing to me at that very moment.