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The Pact Chapter 2

The Pact Chapter 2 Jack groaned, rolling over as he pressed the snooze button, silencing the alarm that had jarred him from his sleep. Opening his eyes, it took him a few minutes to process the time on the clock, 8:00. “Shit.” Launching out of bed he quickly put on some clean clothes, grabbed a piece of gum, pens and paper, rushing to get out the door. “I’m going to be late, on the day for finals!” Not even bothering himself with the elevator, he launched himself at the stairs, flying down to the ground floor before ramming himself through the...


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I wanted Beth

Beth My wife and I became acquainted with Beth at a local game room, where a person can sit down, spend fifty dollars, and come out with five dollars worth of merchandise. It's a nice, clean facility, with a minimum age limit of twenty one, which limits noise, and undesirable language, from the younger set. Granted, many sexual remarks are made, as well as good-natured insults, but very little is said that would offend anybody, to the point of hurt feelings. Beth was not especially attractive, very plain, in fact, but there was something about the small woman, which just exuded...


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How Traditions Start – part 13

Thanks you all for continuing to read my work. I'm sorry i neglected this series lately, as I hope many of you saw, I ran into an unexpected project I just could not ignore. I found it strangely difficult returning to writing fiction after writing "The Things We Do at Home" and that's partly why this part took so long. I hope you enjoy and as always comments are highly appreciated. For those who commented on previous parts, thank you, I plan to implement many of your suggestions in the following chapters if I hadn't done so already. How Traditions Start...


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New neighbours - Part 6

During the next couple of weeks, I paid quite a few visits to Paul and Jane’s house, sometimes with them both there and sometimes just Jane. On each occasion we invariably ended up in the bedroom with Jane commanding whatever happened between us. She knew what she wanted and certainly knew how to get it. I only saw Sarah briefly to shout hello at or to wave as she left the house and I only saw Lizzie once during that time. They had told Jane and Paul what had happened at the stable and Jane made it clear to me that...


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The "Gentlemen's" Club

After leaving Uni Claire worked for a real estate company down town for a couple of years until it folded in the crash of 2008 She struggled for a while doing odd shifts waitressing and temping in offices getting deeper in debt until she found out they were recruiting hostesses at a Gentlemen’s club down town. She wouldn’t be seen dead in such a place usually but she was desperate and had bills to pay. She applied and got offered a weeks trial Gentleman’s club Claire arrived for her first shift working at the club just after 7.30pm. She stepped into...


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My Addiction to Oral Sex

My Addiction to Oral Sex By Draggonfly For as long as I can remember I have thought about oral sex, when I was 4 or 5 years old I started sucking my little brothers cock. It was exciting, of course it was just a kid thing. My best friend caught me sucking my brother under our house one day and talked me into sucking him, he was 6. By the time I was 8 I had managed to suck every boy in our neighborhood at least once. Buddy my friend talked his sister into letting me eat her pussy, he watched...


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