Una runs out of Mr. Jennings’ class as soon as the bell rings, and heads straight to the toilets, with tears running down her cheeks. She locks herself in a cubicle, and sits down on the seat, thinking about how her world has just fallen apart. First of all, she has to have sex with Victor, the very thought of which makes her want to gag. He’s been a bully all his life, and she knows that’s the only reason he picked her. To brag about how he fucked her, and about how much she enjoyed it - regardless of whether or not last part is true. He’ll be able to hold that over her for the rest of her life. But worst of all, is the fact that Cody and Holly will be fucking each other as well. Una had always been a shy girl, always fancied guys from afar, and then masturbated to the thoughts of them at night. She was afraid that they would reject her, and laugh at her, if she tried to ask them out. Then, out of the blue, Cody came along and changed things. They had known each other for some time, as members of their own socially-awkward circle of friends. But she had never fancied him. That was until a few weeks ago, when he pulled her aside and told her that he was interested in her. At first she thought he was joking, but the boner he had in his pants while he talked told a different story. She considered his offer and agreed to go on one date, to see what happened. One date led to another, and another after that. Eventually, two very important questions came up - were they going to have sex, and were going to tell their friends they were together? They agreed that there was no point in staying together if they weren’t going to fuck, so that was the first thing they had to get out of the way. Una had never had sex before, and she was nervous about taking that big step. But at the same time, she thought to herself, if she didn’t lose her virginity to Cody, then who else would she be happy to lose it to? The next night, she went around to his house, and she finally got to have sex for the first time. She was nervous taking her top off, never mind taking off her bra and panties. But he told her it would be okay, and that she could change her mind if she wanted. He was sweet like that. And it gave her the confidence to go through with it. She wanted to fuck him, and when she saw his cock throbbing while she got undressed, she knew she had made the right decision. It was painful, and awkward, and exhausting. But she loved it. And she wanted to do it again. The next day, they confided in some of their closest friends that they had fucked each other, and were officially a couple. One of those people was Holly, whom they both agreed was a close enough friend that she deserved to know the truth, and would be excited by it. And that is how Una had thought Holly had reacted to the news. With excitement. But now that Holly had chosen Cody to have sex with for this assignment, she started to doubt herself. Why did Holly seem so eager to be paired with him? Had Holly been harbouring a secret jealousy all along? Did she want Cody all to herself? And what was Cody’s reaction to being picked by Holly? Una could have sworn that he looked relieved, but why? Did he want to fuck Holly too, and now he finally had the chance? The thoughts race through Una’s head, and she is only jolted back to reality by the sound of a male voice echoing through the bathroom. “Patty? Are you in here?” shouts the voice, which Una does not recognise. “Yea Ilja, I’m here,” a female voice shouts back. “Give me a minute and I’ll be out.” Una had been so lost in thought, she hadn’t even realised that someone else had entered the bathroom after her. The female voice sounded like Patricia, but who was Ilja? It seemed like she might not be the only one conflicted about this project. Waiting for the other person to leave, Una wipes her face, leaves the cubicle and checks her make-up in the mirror, before exiting the woman’s bathroom. Blurry-eyed, she walks straight in to the very last person she wants to talk to. “Well, hello there,” says Victor, arrogantly. “What do you want?” says Una, with annoyance. “You know that I want…” He puts his hand on her hip, making her recoil backwards. “Now, now,” he continues. “Don’t be like that, we need to work together on this project. You don’t want to fail, do you?” “Why, out of all the girls you could have chosen, why did you pick me?” A slimy grin crosses Victor’s face. “I’m a big fan of charity. Nobody else in the class was going to pick you, and I would have felt sorry for whoever you were paired with. So, I decided to bite the bullet, and take one for the team.” “You’re an asshole.” “Speaking of assholes, I can’t wait to taste yours…” Victor again tries to grab Una, this time reaching up her mini-skirt to grab her ass, but he can only brush the side of her cheek as she backs away from him. “Hey, back off her!” says Holly, who has approached from behind Una without her noticing. Una cannot help but notice that Cody is nowhere to be seen. “What? I’m not doing anything,” Victor protests. “We’re just talking about our… homework.” “Is that so? Well, maybe keep your dick in your pants until you actually start, yeah?” Victor, now outnumbered, backs away, promising Una that he will get in touch with her later. “Una, are you okay?” Holly asks her, once Victor has left. Whilst Una is far from okay, and is appreciative of the fact that Holly managed to defuse the situation, she simply cannot bear to look in the face of the woman who is about to fuck her boyfriend. “I’m fine, thanks,” Una says. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.” She walks away Holly and leaves her standing there. She can hear Holly calling after her, but ignores her. All Una wants to do is go home and cry. ----- For the next few hours, Una sits in her bed alone, watching endless episodes of Impractical Jokers to try and cheer herself up. She also spends the whole afternoon glancing at her phone, waiting to hear from Cody. They still haven’t spoken since they left the class earlier in the day. Why hasn’t he tried to contact her yet? And where has he gone? Maybe he just didn’t care about her as much as she thought. Not as much as she had come to care about him. Maybe he and Holly were already fucking each other, too busy lying in a pool of each other’s cum to bother sending a simple message. As the thought crosses her mind, a text message comes through. Is it Cody, finally? No. And it’s not Holly either. It’s from a number that she doesn’t recognise. Opening the message and reading the contents, she immediately realises who it’s from: Victor. How the hell did he even managed to get her number? It doesn’t matter, she realises, she has bigger problems to worry about right now. “Hey there, partner,” the message reads. “Why don’t you come around my house at 8.00 and we can get a head-start on… you giving me a head start.” Una takes a deep breath to calm herself down, knowing that he won’t go away until the deed is done. She figures that the best thing to do is to get this assignment over with as quickly as possible, so she never has to worry about it again. Reluctantly, she texts back her confirmation that she will be there, which he replies to with an eggplant and a peach emoji. How romantic… Una realises she had better have a shower if she going to have sex with Victor, so she rolls out of bed, leaving her glasses on her bedside locker, and strips out of her clothes to head to the bathroom. Shampoo washes through her long, black hair, and trickles down her pale skin, as she makes sure her ass and vagina are nice and clean. She works up a thick lather, as she rubs body gel into her pubes. She had never tried shaving them before. She never had to, because nobody else was going to see them. And Cody didn’t seem to have any complaints when they fucked each other, so she decided to keep them. At least, none that he had voiced to her. Maybe he would have preferred her to be clean-shaven. Una steps out of the shower, water dripping from her body. She is already dreaming of coming back and showering again after having fucked Victor, to get the stench of his awful body odour off of her. Having dried herself off, she re-enters her bedroom, wondering what she should wear for such an occasion. Should she dress sexy? Or should she go the opposite direction, to try and repel him? She knows that she will want to leave his house as quickly as possible, so she decides to dress in as few articles of clothes as possible. Grabbing a fresh duo of a navy bra and panties - they can be left behind, if need be - she also finds an oversized Game Of Thrones t-shirt and a loose tracksuit pants, all of which can be put on easily. After putting on socks and a pair of trainers, Una reaches in to her bedside locker to grab her apartment keys and - checking one final time to see whether she had gotten any texts from Cody or Holly - puts them in her bag along with her phone. Finally, Una grabs the remote to turn off the TV, but before she does, a thought crosses her mind. A thought which, for the first time all day, gives her the smallest sense of hope. Allowing herself a little smile, Una turns off the TV, and grabs a jacket as she leaves the apartment, heading in the direction of Victor’s house. ----- En route, she realises that she should bring a box of condoms with her, knowing there is no guarantee that Victor would be polite enough to have any himself. She never had to buy condoms before - the few times that she and Cody had fucked each other, it was always at his house, and he was always the one who had them ready. Entering the first pharmacy that she comes across, Una almost trips over Zoe and Basir, two of her fellow classmates. They are crouched down on the floor, examining the large variety of condoms, and giggling to each other at the number of options available to them. Una is not keen on talking to them about the assignment - or anything else, for that matter - and decides to wait around the corner on a neighbouring aisle. She pretends to look at make-up while Zoe and Basir complete their purchases and leave, oblivious to her nearby presence. After their departure, Una picks up the first box that comes to hand, and heads to the counter to pay. The cashier, a woman in her 30s, smiles politely back at her as she processes the transaction. “I hope you have fun,” the cashier tells her with a wink, as Una puts the box of condoms in her bag. While appreciative of the sentiment, Una strongly doubts that she will, as she leaves the pharmacy and resumes her journey. ----- Una arrives at Victor’s house at the assigned time, and trudges her way up the steps, dreading what is about to happen. She rings the doorbell and stands in the cold, waiting for the door to open. Despite the sunshine, there is a breeze in the air, which forced her to put her jacket on as she made her way over. The door opens, and she is greeted by her least-favourite person on the planet. “Hey there, girlfriend,” Victor grins at her. He is wearing a white, buttoned-up shirt, as well as a pair of denim trousers. “I’m not your bloody girlfriend,” Una admonishes him. “I’m here for the assignment, nothing more.” “Alright, chill, Jesus. You’re moody. It’s not your time of the month, is it? Because I’m not fucking you if your cunt is bleeding.” What an incredible wordsmith you are, Una thinks to herself, choosing to keep that thought to herself, rather than antagonise him further. “No, I’m not on my period,” she simply tells him. “Good, I don’t want any of that shit. Well, come in then, we have work to do,” Victor tells her, stepping aside to allow her entrance to his house. Una crosses the threshold, feeling like she is also crossing the point of no return. She can smell alcohol on his breath as she passes by him, and he closes the door behind her. “Come on, follow me,” Victor instructs her, as he makes his way in to the kitchen. It is a nice house, she must admit. No doubt paid for by his family. In the kitchen, there is a bottle of whiskey on the counter along with two glasses, one of which already has some whiskey in it, the other being empty. Victor pours whiskey from the bottle into the empty glass, and hands it to Una. “Here, have a drink,” he tells her, while he takes a swig from the other glass. “I’m fine, thanks,” she tells him, setting the glass back down on the counter. She had decided en route to Victor’s house that she would not accept any food or drink that he might offer her. “Come on, don’t be so fucking boring,” he tells her. “I’m not going to drug you.” “I said I’m fine.” “Alright, have it your way,” Victor says as he finishes off his glass. He then takes the glass that he had offered Una, and drinks that in one go as well. “Wooh! Okay…” he continues, as he sets the second glass down. “I think we should take things upstairs, don’t you?” “I suppose so,” Una reluctantly agrees. Victor leads Una upstairs and into his bedroom which, as Una expected, is a total mess. There are clothes scattered in every corner and a games console connected to the TV, with cables haphazardly scattered across the floor. “And this is where the magic happens!” Victor proudly declares, drawing Una’s attention to the bed. To her relief, the bed seems to be relatively clean. Or, at least, there are no obvious stains. “Great,” she replies, with as little enthusiasm as possible. Una heads over to a desk directly facing the bed and deposits her handbag onto it, removing her phone. “What are you up to over there?” Victor asks suspiciously, while he sits down on the bed and removes his boots and socks, unable to see what she is doing. “Just putting my phone on silent. Do you have condoms?” she asks, taking the newly-purchased box of condoms out of her bag. “Well aren’t you a little eager beaver,” he says. “Still wrapped, I see. Did you buy those just for me?” Una rolls her eyes and opens the cellophane wrapping, removing a sealed condom from the box and tosses it to him. “I can’t put it on yet,” Victor tells her. “You need to make me hard first. Why don’t you go ahead and put on a show?” “Excuse me?” she says. “You can start by taking off that jacket.” Feeling disgusted in herself, Una slowly removes her jacket, and tosses it onto a nearby chair. “You’re not wearing the mini-skirt you had on earlier,” Victor comments. “That’s a shame, you almost looked hot enough to fuck in that.” Ignoring his comment, Una kicks off her trainers, deciding to keep her socks on so she doesn’t have to touch the disgusting floor with her bare feet. “Come, on, then,” he continues, “let’s start seeing some skin.” Sheepishly, she grabs the bottom of her t-shirt and pulls it up over her head, revealing the navy bra she is wearing. “That’s more like it,” says Victor, as he unbuckles his belt and puts his hand down his pants. Una feels like crying at the sight of Victor jerking himself off to her, but she knows that the quicker this whole thing is over with, the better. She puts her hand down, pushes the waistband of her tracksuit to the floor, and steps out of them, standing in the middle of Victor’s room wearing nothing but socks, a bra and panties. “Mmm, okay, now you’re giving me something to work with,” he tells her, as he continues to wank himself off. “Now come over here and help me get undressed as well.” She walks over to him, but before she can touch him, he grabs her by the waist and drags her onto his lap, sinking his face into her breasts. He bites her left bra cup with his teeth, pulling it down to reveal her nipples, and sucks it. Sitting on his lap, she can feel the chub of his dick through his pants, rubbing up against her pussy through his denim pants. She starts to unbutton his shirt, revealing a surprisingly athletic body underneath. Una must admit, that while he has the ugliest personality of anyone she’s ever met, physically he is quite fit. “Do you like that, you little bitch?” he asks her, as she throws his shirt to the side. Before Una can answer, he kisses her on the mouth, ramming his tongue forcefully into his mouth. She almost gags at the smell of alcohol on his breath, and she does not reciprocate by putting her tongue in his. Victor then stands up suddenly, sending Una stumbling backwards. He grabs her arm to preventing from falling too far away. He the pulls her violently towards the bed, sending her face-first into the mattress. She let’s out a little scream in surprise. “Don’t move,” he orders her. Una does as she is told, with her ass pointing into the air. Victor leaps knees-first onto the bed, and sticks his nose into her panties, the point of his nose now sticking up her ass. He takes a deep breath, and lets out a sigh of pleasure. He then grabs the edges of Una’s panties and pulls them off forcefully, leaving indents on her skin, and ripping some of the fabric in the process. “Stay right there, you fucking whore,” he tells her. “You’re going to fucking enjoy this.” Una’s heart is racing, scared of what is going to happen next. Should she stop him? Should she run away? No. No, this has to happen, whether she likes it or not. Una can hear Victor’s belt rattle as he pulls his trousers off, and to her relief, she can also hear him tear open the condom wrapper, before rolling it onto his dick. He then kneels on the bed and grabs Una’s hips, thrusting her into his crotch. She can feel the tip of his cock dance around her pussy, ticking her pubes, before Victor grabs hold of his cock and slides it into her vagina. “Oh God, you’re so fucking tight,” says Victor. “Am I your first, you dirty virgin bitch?” Una can feel Victor’s cock in her pussy, and involuntarily she starts to get excited. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a dildo, or Cody, or even Victor - when she has anything inside her pussy, she enjoys it. She tries her best not to let Victor know that, however. Victor spanks her ass, vigorously thrusting in and out of Una’s tight slit, but Una notices something interesting. He isn’t going as deep as Cody would. He must be holding back, Una thinks, building up to a big finish. “Oh yeah, I’m fucking balls-deep! Ah!” screams Victor, in pleasure, as skin smacks off of skin, as he forces his way into her pussy as hard as he can. Una is enjoying it, and unseen to Victor, she bites her lip to prevent herself from screaming out - but he definitely isn’t as good as Cody. Not even close. She closes her eyes, and starts to imagine Cody pounding her as hard as Victor is, but no sooner than the thought crosses her mind, Victor abruptly stops fucking her. “Shit! Shit! No! Not again!” Victor says, as suddenly leaps off the bed, and runs into his en suite bathroom, waddling away with his cock in his hands. Una rolls over and sits on the edge of the bed, straightening her bra which is still hanging loosely from her tits. “What’s happened?” she calls in to Victor, concerned that the condom may have split. “Nothing, I mean…, don’t worry about it,” he calls back to her. Worried, mostly for herself but in part for Victor also, she walks silently over to the bathroom door, and peers in to see what the problem is. What she sees makes her burst with laughter. Victor is throwing the condom, which is full of cum, into a bin beside the toilet. His limp, two-inch cock, which is hanging flaccidly below his waist, is dripping cum onto the bathroom floor. “Oh my God! You came already?!” she exclaims, unable to hide her surprise. “What the fuck are you looking at?” he says, with fear in his eyes, as he grabs a towel from beside the sink, both to wipe the cum off his dick, and also to hide it from sight. “Do you always cum that quickly?” she continues, smiling. “Shut the fuck up,” he admonishes her. “It’s only happened once before, alright? Just forget about it.” He leaves the bathroom and re-enters his bedroom, sitting down on the edge of his bed, still holding the towel over his limp cock. “And the… um… size of your dick… is that really all you have to work with?” laughs Una. “Look, it’s… it’s you’re fault, alright?” he says, defensively. “It’s not my fault, you’re not hot enough to turn me on.” “Is that so?” she says, catching a glimpse of herself in a floor-to-ceiling mirror. Una had always been a shy girl, and usually wore clothes that covered most of her body. But, she must admit, she did look good naked, and was more than hot enough to give someone a massive boner. Cody had proven that. “Yeah, that’s right,” Victor continues. “And you’d better not tell anybody what happened, or else.” “Or else, what?” Una asks, curiously. “Or else I’ll write my report and say that you were a dirty little slut. I’ll say that you were shit in bed, but I still fucked your brains out, and that you begged for more. The professor will see it, and I’ll make sure everyone else knows it too. Who do you think people will believe… me or you?” Una should feel threatened by this. She should feel like her back is against the wall, that Victor has bullied his way to the top again. But Una just laughs. “I’m not so sure,” she says. “I think they’ll believe video evidence over anything else.” “Which you don’t have.” “Are you sure about that?” Una walks across the room, towards the desk on which her handbag is sitting, and picks up her phone. Her phone which, Victor had not realised, was pointing at the bed. “Smile for the camera,” she says, pointing the array of lenses directly at Victor, and checking to make sure the phone was still recording. “What are you doing?” he asks. “Recording a video. Just like I’ve been recording the whole time, ever since I took the phone out of my bag.” “What? But… no, you said you were putting your phone on silent.” “That’s what I said, but it’s not what I did. I wanted to have a video of us having sex, for two reasons… First of all, I wanted to film everything that happened to make it easier to write my report, to remind me of what we did. I was going to ask your permission before we started fucking, but before I left my apartment, I had a second idea… Just in case you tried to do anything I didn’t like, I could use it as video evidence to prove my side of the story, and disprove yours. Hidden cameras can be very useful at times.” “Give me that phone,” says Victor, lacking all of the confidence he had once possessed. “No, I don’t think I will,” responds Una, still pointing the phone at him, and thoroughly enjoying the level of power which she now holds over him. It is intoxicating. It is enlightening. And it is starting to turn her on. “This video,” continues Una, “will automatically back-up to my cloud when I stop the recording. The video is mine, and no matter what you do here and now, I will have a copy of it after I leave, to do what I want with it.” “Okay, okay,” says Victor, realising that his options are rapidly running thin. “Just… please don’t release the video, I’ll be a laughing-stock if people see it. Please, I’ll do anything.” “Anything?” Una repeats. “Yeah, anything, just name it.” Una considers her current position. After all the years of torment that Victor has inflicted on other people, including her, this is the first time she has seen him in a vulnerable position. For the first time, she sees him for who he truly is: a bully with a Napoleon complex, over-compensating for his small dick and inability to hold an erection. Una starts to breathe heavily, feeling waves of power wash over her. She had never been in such a dominant position before. And she intends to take full advantage of it, repaying Victor everything that he is owed. She places her phone back down on the desk, still recording and pointing outwards towards the bed. “I want you to beg,” Una tell him. “Please,” Victor repeats back. “No, not like that, I want you to beg, properly. Get on the bed, and kneel.” “What?” “Do it!” she demands of him. He throws the towel to the side, revealing his small dick, now little more than a stub. He climbs on top of the bed and kneels down, as if he is praying. Una grabs his denim trousers from the floor, and pulls out the leather belt, before walking up to the bed. Victor’s ass crack is gaping, and his ball sack hangs lower than his dick. “Now,” says Una, “I want you to beg me not to release the video.” “What are you…” CRACK! Before Victor can complete his sentence, Una lashes the belt across his ass cheeks, as the sound of skin being lashed by leather fills the room. Victor screams in pain and, shock. “I said, BEG!” “Okay, okay. Please don’t release the video, please…” CRACK! Una whips Victor’s ass again, as blood blisters start to form where the impacts overlap. “Ah!” Victor screams again. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” “What are you sorry for?” Una asks. CRACK! A third whip of the belt, as Victor’s ass starts to turn beetroot-red. “Everything! I’m sorry for everything, I…” “You what?” “Everything I did, not just today, but ever. I’m sorry, I am.” “Good,” says Una. “Now we’re getting somewhere. Now lie on your back.” “Please, Una…” Victor says, looking back with tears in his eyes. Whether it is from the pain, or the humiliation, Una cannot tell. And she does not care. CRACK! A fourth lashing releases a streak of blood going from left-to-right, and makes Victor wince in pain. “Do what you’re fucking told!” Una admonishes him, as he rolls over onto his back, tears now running down his face. He covers his dick and balls with his hand. “What’s the matter, Victor?” Una mocks him. “Do you think I’m going to hit you in the cock, or are you too ashamed to show it to me?” He does not answer. “Finally learning to keep your mouth shut, good” she continues. “Now, give me your left wrist.” Victor does as he is told, and Una uses the leather belt to tie Victor’s wrist to the headboard of the bed. “Do you know what I want next?” Una asks him. “No, what?” Victor responds, his head tilted sideways as he doesn’t want to look her in the eyes. “I’ve already made you cum, as quick as that may have been. But you haven’t done much for me yet. Now it’s time for you to fix that. And clearly, your dick isn’t up to the job, so…” …Una climbs up on top of Victor, and shoves her pussy into his face… …”you’re going to lick my pussy out until I cum.” Una starts gyrating her hairy, sweaty pussy on Victor’s face. Her pubes get in his eyes, forcing him to close his eyelids. They also go up his nose, making him want to sneeze. Victor sticks his tongue out, and through her hairy bush, he licks her pussy lips before delving further inside. “Deeper, deeper…” Una encourages him, grabbing his head of hair by the roots. She can feel his tongue inside her, licking the walls of her wet, tight pussy. “Oh yeah, just like that,” she continues, as he digs his way closer and closer to her clit. He is mumbling something, but she can not make out what he is saying, and she does not care. “Yeah, yeah! Ah!” He hits the sweet spot, and Una can feel herself on the edge. She tilts her head back, and arches her back in anticipation for what is about to come next. “Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh fuck! Keep going… AAH!” Una lets out a scream of pleasure, as a spray of cum ejects out of her pussy, covering Victor’s face, and squirting into the back of his throat. He immediately pulls his head out from under Una’s pussy, and spits the cum out of his mouth and onto the floor. “What’s the matter, you’re a spitter, not a swallower?” mocks Una, as she climbs off of the bed, cum still dripping from her pussy down her leg. She goes in to Victor’s bathroom, and finds a clean towel with which she can wipe herself clean. Having done so, she returns to the bedroom, and starts to gather her things. “Now then,” she says, finally turning off the recording on her phone. “Tomorrow, we will meet up at the library, where we can get our story straight about everything that happened here tonight. We can agree on what we will include in the report and… what you might want omitted.” “Fine,” says Victor, still lying in bed, ashamed. “And, if you try to double-cross me, I will release this video, and I think we can both agree, you don’t want that.” Truth be told, Una considered, neither did she. But under the circumstances, she knew that Victor had a lot more to lose with the video’s release than she did. “Yes, right, fine. I’ll see tomorrow, just…” “What?” “Please, just leave.” Una gathers the rest of her things, and does as Victor asks, thoroughly and pleasantly surprised by how the night has gone for her. Checking her phone again as she leaves, there are still no messages from Cody. She hopes that her and Cody are still together, because if they are, she has a few new tricks to show him the next time they fuck.