Chapter 1: First, do no harm “Molly Murphy, Brooklyn Tanner, June Watkins, Dong… mei…… Kwah? wait here for a special assignment. Everyone else, please follow me.” June’s first day of internship as a nurse at one of the biggest hospitals in the country started out horribly. In her defense, why else would they ask for her measurements if not to provide her with scrubs? Thankfully, after begging in three different departments, someone offered her an old backup set and she eventually found an empty bed to put it on behind its railed curtains. She was at the hospital an hour early and still almost missed the interns’ briefing; her heart still hadn’t gotten the message that things were alright now. And hey, she had just been chosen to be part of an elite squad of nursing students, so take that, shitty day. The pants were loose, the shirt was tight, and she couldn’t pull it down enough to hide her belly button. Though, even if she had shopped for her own uniform, she might not have done much better. That was the story of her life: size 0, tall and too busty to hide, her figure rarely allowed for a perfectly fitted work attire. She never wanted to bring attention to her assets, but even simply walking down the street in jeans and t-shirt, she was often reminded by random men with gold chains that she could make a lot of money “modeling” with ‘a body like that’ and a ‘cute face to match’… She had no interest in quick money or the glamorous, non-sleazy, fashion career equivalent. There was also a big heart under that shirt and helping people was what she had always wanted to do. She didn't pick a career path as a nurse, she picked a fucking vocation. So yes, having worked her round little butt off to get here, she allowed herself to feel pride from being one of the 4 chosen few out of the 50 interns accepted from hundreds of applicants. Just before escorting the flock of average interns to their non-special assignments, the supervisor discreetly asked the fantastic four to please remove their bras. The shock of the request wore off just in time for June to blurt out her question before the supervisor walked away. This had to be an MRI-related precaution. Some brassiere had metal underwire, she could understand that, but her minimizing bra was pure polyurethane. “Excuse me. I have a sports bra, it’s all spandex.” “No exceptions, sorry,” the nurse answered as she left. She quickly became too far away to hear any further objections. June’s heart never had a chance to slow down and was now beating faster than ever. She had no idea when they were going to get picked up for their special assignment or how long it would take her to find a locker room or spare room, change, probably get lost, and maybe come back to an empty lobby. After a quick struggle, the other girls began pulling bras out of their short sleeves like magicians. June regretted her morning choice, but a strong minimizing bra was always her go-to to not attract unwanted attention. Speaking of unwanted attention, it was then she realized all three other chosen interns had similar back pain pillows while also looking like they weighed under 50kg, as she did. This meeting of busty petites would have surprised her even at a night club (from what she remembered of the one time she was dragged to one of those) so out of a bunch of interns, this was a coincidence of ridiculous proportions. No time to dwell on the thought; there might have been a few years in her life when she could have pulled her arms inside her shirt, contortioned her arms to peel off the tight spandex under her shirt, and pulled it out like a necklace, but those C-cup years were long gone. Taking off an undergarment that was designed to keep her leading ladies in check was a chore to put on and even more so to take off. Once her three busty friends each had an extra-large bra in their pocket, June felt the intense pressure of falling behind like the pit in your stomach staring at an exam you didn’t study for. Desperate times called for a desperate measure she never felt comfortable doing in a locker room, let alone outside of one. She found a corner (not an isolated, dark corner, mind you, a brightly lit corner created by a parking payment machine) and faced the wall before completely removing her shirt. The three braless musketeers already had the side glances of every male in the lobby, but June hadn’t noticed. She would have chickened out if she knew how many eyes had followed her to her corner, including those of the security guard and front desk clerk, or if she knew how much they would get rewarded for it. June’s gravity-defying knockers were so large that after popping out of her sports bra while her hands were tied up in spandex above her head, they swayed left and right showing plenty of side boob to anyone behind her slender back and a lot more to those lucky enough to have a good angle. After more side to side bouncing while putting on her scrub shirt, the main attraction was over, but the show went on. The thin fabric of June’s undersized scrubs hugged her perky bumpers in the exact way she tried to prevent with slimming bras while her nipples were free to say hello. She just wanted to snatch a patient's chart to hold over her chest. June felt like the center of attention but really it was shared between all four loitering busty beauties. June didn’t remember the Asian name the nurse butchered earlier but this shorter girl with short black hair was the only one who seemed to share her embarrassment, trying to cross her arms over what had to be the result of a hormone imbalance but only making it worse by pushing them together. The lucky redhead had a rigid notepad to hide behind and was likely pretending to write notes on it. Meanwhile, the bleached blonde of the group, true to her hair color, seemed perfectly comfortable showing off her curves and nipple jewelry through the blue scrubs. June couldn’t do it as effortlessly as blondie, but she took inspiration from her. They were here to work. This was not the place nor time to be self-conscious. She relaxed her shoulders and forced her arms to her sides. ‘Bring it!’ A nurse in her thirties speed-walked between them without stopping, angrily talking to herself. June was the first to understand that was who they had been waiting for and struggled to catch up, the others close behind. “Ladies you're going to hear this every goddamn day, but we are overworked and understaffed, so nobody has time for your whining and crying. You can complain to human resources after your shift is over, and they can remind you of the terms of your contract.” She was bursting through doors like a linebacker. The poor liberated ladies had to jog to keep up; their four pairs of bouncing melons turned quite a few heads from visitors and professionals alike. It's only after tackling a pair of doors with a giant D on them that the head nurse gave them a chance to catch their breath. Ward D was its own little extra-busy universe in an already busy hospital. It was a cacophony of male moans and wet sponges coming from behind every curtained room surrounding the nurse station. Like a scene from Scooby Doo, nurses were sporadically running out of one room into another. Whatever these patients had, it was serious, but June did not share the same frowned face of concern as her peers. She was here to help. The head nurse, whose nametag they finally had a chance to read (Irina with a heart on the second i and a smiley face sticker at the end) had touched down in the middle of the nurse station next to a bed not yet rolled into one of the adjoining rooms. The patient on this bed was shamelessly devouring the four young trainees with his eyes. June felt the need to imitate Dongmei and crossed her arms over her chest, making the same mistake of inviting more attention by squeezing her soft pillows together. Irina did not make a ceremony out of the reveal; she pulled up the patient’s sheets and, ignoring the gasps, began her hard-hearted speech: “Seminal Glandular Hyperactivity. This better not be the first time you hear of this affliction. Yes, it looks bigger in person. No, you can’t be reassigned.” Supervisor Irina picked up the grinning man’s dick with both hands. This trouser snake was of the giant anaconda variety. June heard men joke about wishing they had SGH but seeing it in the flesh like this would make any of them change their mind without a doubt. The drooping cock, slowly engorging, was well over 30cm long already and oozing pre-cum that slimed down all over the head nurse’s gloveless hands. You could see the ball sack between his legs, which he had to keep apart to the edges of the bed to give the testicles enough room. These men had a painful and severe medical condition that should not be envied, June thought. It would be disrespectful to look away right now, as much as she wanted to. “This facility has extreme cases under observation. Your duty is to assist the nurses. The nurses’ duty is to keep these men under the pain threshold and to update the charts. If you’ve never learned to extract seminal fluid the old fashion way, you’re going to ramp up real quick around here. Do whatever it takes to relieve them but those loads better end up in these tight little tummies of yours because we don’t have the personnel or the time to play bucket brigade or to clean up your mess if you chicken out. If not contained, SGH spurts will coat wall, floor and ceilings of an entire room with semen. If this ever happens, so help me God, you will take the janitor’s shift tonight with only your tongue as the mop.” The girls were looking at each other to make sure they were all hearing the same thing. Irina did not seem like the kind of person to participate in hazing and even less make a joke. “Pay attention. Patients are instructed to press their nurse call buttons when their pain threshold is 5 or above. A red light will turn on above their bed and on the station’s monitor. You make a pain assessment, you relieve the patient, you write down the time and duration and approximate quantity of ejaculate, you move on to the next call... And just in case any of you think this is a joke (even just the word joke came with a certain disdain from Irina) because I’ve seen my share of sheltered princesses, I will let you see a quick demonstration before I hopefully never have to interact with any of you again.” Irina turned to the patient and smiled the fakest smile: “Sir, how would you rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being no pain at all and 10 being the worst pain imaginable.” “You said 5, right? 5,” said the ‘very distressed’ man with a genuine smile. “Very well, sir, please try to relax as I relieve you.” Her fingers now coated in the natural lubricant that the gigantic dick had been ejecting since it felt a feminine touch, the supervisor ran her hands on the veiny shaft, making sharp splosh sounds that made the four spectators even more uncomfortable. Once the precum gel was evenly distributed, Irina destroyed any remaining possibility that this was an elaborate prank by opening her mouth wide and stuffing the slimy great worm down the hatch. Her throat bulged like a frog as she gobbled inch after inch until the whole thing disappeared down her throat and her lips pressed on the large sweaty scrotum. From the swallowing and controlled gag sounds, she was working him with her esophagus. She only stayed down there for a few seconds before pulling out. When she did, the interns got to see what a fully erect SGH cock covered in spit and precum looked like. June estimated a length of 45 centimeters and the thickness of a soda can, bigger than her skinny arm in any case. The nurse looked to her shocked apprentices and tried to conceal the pride she felt from making another batch of doe-eyed newbies almost pee their scrubs. Dongmei, especially, had been half-observing the lesson through her fingers since the moment of the reveal. June looked to the outgoing blonde for guidance. Anyone willing to pierce her nipples must have more experience with this kind of stuff than she did. Unfortunately, there was no inspiration to be taken from the sunkissed bombshell this time for she had the same mix of confusion and disbelief in her face as everyone. The ponytailed blonde raised her hand and three other interns held their breath; they desperately needed a voice right now, so her courage was much appreciated. Still holding the smiling patient’s dripping dick vertical with one hand, the nurse starred the blonde girl down, which she misinterpreted as permission to speak. “Can’t we use like… a machine or something?” “Which one are you?” “Brooklyn Ta…” She was interrupted immediately. “Well, random intern whose name I already forgot, why are you wasting your enormous brain in this cum-hole? I need you to pitch your amazing idea no one has ever thought of before to the Board of Directors. No doubt they will roll back 10 years of budget cuts and order 30 brand new seminal pumps that each cost three times my annual salary and, hang on let me calculate the ratio against yours… ERROR, cannot divide by zero.” Irina fully committed to the insult by using an actual calculator. Brooklyn turned around, but June arm-blocked her path to give her enormous brain a chance to perceive the subtle sarcasm. “You, little dumpling who wants to be a nurse but can’t even look at a penis. Come finish what I started.” The cute Asian girl was visibly shaking and not because of the casual racism from her given nickname: “I... I can't. I...” “So, is that what you're going to be doing all day? Standing around, face in your hands, saying ‘I can't?’ I had a decision to make so thanks for making this easy for me. Beth!” After a few seconds, a head popped out of the largest room based on curtain size. “This one's yours.” Beth gestured a salute and her head disappeared behind the curtains. “Listen, you should have figured it out by now, well… maybe not you,” she pointed at Brooklyn. “You’re not here because you’re better at inserting IVs. I picked you from a list because you’re young and skinny and chesty. You arouse men and aroused men are brought to climax faster so we get more work done with less people.” Irina turned her clipboard around briefly to summarize her ***********ion criteria: Molly Murphy 167cm // 48kg // 89E-58-89 Brooklyn Tanner 170cm // 49kg // 86F-59-86 June Watkins 173cm // 45kg // 89F-56-82 Dongmei Quān 158cm // 44kg // 90G-58-88 “Why am I even telling you this; every intern here today is going to be miserable. You’re not special. Now, one of you better relieve this man right now or I will make damn sure your entire careers will be dedicated to handwashing dirty diapers.” June signed up knowing nursing was a job full of shit, piss and blood. So, there's cum too, apparently. Big deal, right? Seconds before Irina lost her cool and gave them all to Beth (whatever that meant), June stepped forward… at the exact same time as her redhead neighbor. Smelling more fear coming from the left, Irina pointed to June and told her ‘not to come up for air until her supermodel stomach had a cum bump.' June did it by the book; that’s the only way she did anything. “On a scale of 1 to 10, sir, with 1 being no pain at all and 10 being the worst pain imaginable, how would you rate your discomfort?” “Oh, it's like a 10 now, looking at you.” The patient mimicked squeezing June tits in his hands but she did not notice it. Only the thick, soggy flesh rod coming out of a pale blue gown mattered. June sighed and took the shaft in her hands, still wondering why she hadn’t been given a pair of medical gloves. Knowing the head nurse’s fuse was short, she closed her eyes and brought her scrunched face close to where she last saw the tip until her lips touched the warm, moist, spongy head. Her limited knowledge in all matters fellatio was not going to apply to this extreme situation anyway; she just parted her lips and let the fist-size cock head stretch them wide open. She prayed that she would not be held to the same standard as the seasoned nurse from her pathetic attempt at getting this monster past her tonsils. It could barely fit in her mouth and breathing was already laborious... how was she supposed to get it in her throat without first losing her breakfast? Her eyes widening and a barely-audible scream was all she could do to express her revulsion at the sensation of a hand feeling the weight of her left breasts through her shirt. By the time she tried slapping it away, it already had a strong grip on the heavy boob. Irina chimed in: “Those airbags are the reason you were chosen for this assignment so, if it helps the patient relax, why are you sabotaging your own work? Also, if you can’t make it happen in 5 minutes or less, you need to compensate for your ineptitude: get those skinny fingers of yours in there! Play with the balls, massage the prostate, you know… use your knowledge of human anatomy at a goddamn hospital!” June had no idea what to do with her hands. She couldn't see anything because of the cock under her nose and the tears of gagging in her eyes. Irina sighed, “You, go help her." The redhead jumped in without being told twice. She threw her notepad on the patient's bed, walked around to the opposite side of where the brunette was working and initiated a three-point action plan. She lifted up June’s shirt to give the patient unrestricted access to the titty he had been massaging; she began stroking the unswallowed part of his shaft (almost all of it), bumping her thumb and index against June's lips at the top of every stroke; finally, she dug a hand under his heavy ball sack in a quest to reach the man's prostate but the balls clenched before she could find a hole and the sounds of mighty spurts joined the other disturbing noises of Ward D. June's eyes told a tale of panic and revulsion. She couldn't believe how much was coming out and how much she had to swallow, and that was her impression after only 15 seconds of the average 180. The patient squeezed her breast harder than it had ever been squeezed and there was nothing she could do but wince and hope that this spurt was the last one. No... *gulp* maybe this one. No… *gulp* Molly Murphy was unable to just stay on the sideline and watch her new partner carry the load herself (along with the credit). She two-handed the back of June’s head and pushed her down on the erupting cock to help her take an additional 3 centimeters of hard meat, tightening the seal and stopping the drip of cum leaking from the gagging beauty’s right nostril. Once her patient’s climax subsided, June fell victim to one of the classic blunders and continued nursing the precum of a future load out of the fat cockhead. “Well, is he done or what?” She didn't recognize the voice. It wasn’t Irina’s but it conveyed enough authority to rule out fellow interns. The supervisor had left two gallons ago. June had missed the moment when they were paired with a registered nurse for their year-long internship. Thank you for reading. For more chapters and other stories, google my name. -Krombomich